Фoрмувaння вoкaльних кoмпетенцій студентів у прoцесі музично-фaхoвoї підгoтoвки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Актуалізовано проблему вокальних компетенцій майбутнього
фахівця музичного-мистецтва. Підкреслюється необхідність забезпечення
такого характеру музично-фахової підготовки, коли опанування вокальних
явищ студентами опосередковується відтворенням їх естетичних
орієнтирів, смакових уподобань. З’ясовано, що важливе місце в
навчальному процесі належить вокальному слуху. Схарактеризовано низку
особливостей формування таких основних вокальних компетенцій, як:
артикуляційний апарат, дихання, звуковедення, регістри.
The problem of vocal competencies of the future specialist of musical art has been revealed. The necessity of providing such character of musicalprofessional training is emphasized, when mastering vocal phenomena by students is mediated by the reproduction of their aesthetic landmarks, taste preferences. It has been found out that the important place in the educational process belongs to vocal hearing. A number of peculiarities of the formation of basic vocal competencies, such as articulation apparatus, breathing, sound behavior, registers, are described. It is stressed that the process of formation of the vocal competencies of the future musical art teacher at classes of voice staging is reduced to the right breath organization, formation of the soft sound attack, the skills of combining vowels with consonants, the use of active articulation, singing position, the ability to purify the intonation. The results of the study provide an opportunity to come to the conclusion about the necessity and timeliness of consideration of the problem of formation of the vocal competencies of the future specialists in the field of musical art and allow highlighting a number of issues regarding the identification of specific features of these competencies. Revealing the peculiarities of forming of the vocal competencies of the HEI students in the process of professional training at classes of voice setting we tried to facilitate the process of training students of arts department for work with pupils’ vocal collectives, improve theoretical-methodological level, stageperforming culture and the level of professional mastery of the future musical art teacher. Their acquisition is a necessary constituent of professional training of the students of arts departments, directed at solving tasks, which are connected with their future professional activity.
The problem of vocal competencies of the future specialist of musical art has been revealed. The necessity of providing such character of musicalprofessional training is emphasized, when mastering vocal phenomena by students is mediated by the reproduction of their aesthetic landmarks, taste preferences. It has been found out that the important place in the educational process belongs to vocal hearing. A number of peculiarities of the formation of basic vocal competencies, such as articulation apparatus, breathing, sound behavior, registers, are described. It is stressed that the process of formation of the vocal competencies of the future musical art teacher at classes of voice staging is reduced to the right breath organization, formation of the soft sound attack, the skills of combining vowels with consonants, the use of active articulation, singing position, the ability to purify the intonation. The results of the study provide an opportunity to come to the conclusion about the necessity and timeliness of consideration of the problem of formation of the vocal competencies of the future specialists in the field of musical art and allow highlighting a number of issues regarding the identification of specific features of these competencies. Revealing the peculiarities of forming of the vocal competencies of the HEI students in the process of professional training at classes of voice setting we tried to facilitate the process of training students of arts department for work with pupils’ vocal collectives, improve theoretical-methodological level, stageperforming culture and the level of professional mastery of the future musical art teacher. Their acquisition is a necessary constituent of professional training of the students of arts departments, directed at solving tasks, which are connected with their future professional activity.
Ключові слова
вокальні компетенції, компетентність, фахова підготовка, фахівець музичного мистецтва, vocal competencies, competence, professional training, specialist of musical art
Бібліографічний опис
Шульженко, Г. Є. Фoрмувaння вoкaльних кoмпетенцій студентів у прoцесі музично-фaхoвoї підгoтoвки [Текст] / Г. Є. Шульженко // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2017. – Вип. 2 (10). – С. 143–148.