Формування навичок вокального академічного звукоутворення в майбутніх фахівців з музичного мистецтва
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У статті актуалізовано проблему формування навичок академічного
вокального звукоутворення в майбутніх фахівців із музичного мистецтва;
конкретизовано сутність таких понять, як: «звук», «вокальний звук»,
«вокальний академічний звук», «усвідомлений вокальний академічний звук»,
«звукоутворення», «навички»; визначено акустичні критерії вокального
звуку; проаналізовано наукову думку та думку сучасної практики щодо
формування навичок академічного вокального звукоутворення; обгрунтовано
й подано низку методів і прийомів щодо формування навичок академічного
вокального звукоутворення на заняттях з постановки голосу в напрямі
активізації вокального слуху, формування навичок барорецепції та вокально
тілесних відчуттів.
Methods of scientific and theoretical literature analysis, generalization, observation and comparison of the real state of vocal-pedagogical process of the future art specialists teaching allowed to actualize in the article the problem of formation of students’ skills of correct academic vocal sound production; the essence of the concepts “sound”, “vocal sound”, “academic vocal sound”, “conscious academic vocal sound”, “skills”, “sound production” is specified; scientific thought regarding the formation of vocal sound production skills is analyzed; acoustic criteria of the vocal sound (height, sound volume, timbre, vibrato, character pronunciation of sounds, as well as the criteria of academic professional vocal sound (cover, softness, sonority, naturalness, homogeneity), which, in turn, are closely related to neurophysiology are highlighted; the peculiarities of a number of methods and techniques of developing of the academic vocal sound production skills in the direction of vocal hearing enhancing, and baroreception and bodily muscle-vibrating sensations are characterized. The timeliness and necessity of solving the selected problem is manifested in the fact that today such phenomena as the limited pitch and dynamic range, uncertain tone, detonation, forcing the breath and sound, deep articulation, pronunciation promiscuity and even loss of voice take place in the practice of education institutions. The so-called “corn of confusion” is the identification of definitions “formation of skills of academic vocal sound production” (formation of sound in free throat with fixing muscular sensations to adjust the position of the larynx, adjustment of impedance, etc.) and “development of skills of close articulation” (these are very different muscular feelings of the mouth, tongue, lips...). The publication reveals peculiarities of a number of methods of academic sound forming, which are directed at intensification of muscle-vibrating sensations and vocal hearing in every possible way. These skills will help a future art specialist to coordinate the work of the vocal apparatus in accordance with the standard professional sound production. Taking into account the physiological characteristics of the vocalist, it is advisable to find individual effective methods and techniques of developing academic vocal sound production skills for each participant of the educational process. The ultimate goal of the formed skills should always be singing in covered, soft, rounded, sonorous, homogeneous sound that corresponds to the audio standard of professional sound production, which is imitated by all the singers of the academic manner.
Methods of scientific and theoretical literature analysis, generalization, observation and comparison of the real state of vocal-pedagogical process of the future art specialists teaching allowed to actualize in the article the problem of formation of students’ skills of correct academic vocal sound production; the essence of the concepts “sound”, “vocal sound”, “academic vocal sound”, “conscious academic vocal sound”, “skills”, “sound production” is specified; scientific thought regarding the formation of vocal sound production skills is analyzed; acoustic criteria of the vocal sound (height, sound volume, timbre, vibrato, character pronunciation of sounds, as well as the criteria of academic professional vocal sound (cover, softness, sonority, naturalness, homogeneity), which, in turn, are closely related to neurophysiology are highlighted; the peculiarities of a number of methods and techniques of developing of the academic vocal sound production skills in the direction of vocal hearing enhancing, and baroreception and bodily muscle-vibrating sensations are characterized. The timeliness and necessity of solving the selected problem is manifested in the fact that today such phenomena as the limited pitch and dynamic range, uncertain tone, detonation, forcing the breath and sound, deep articulation, pronunciation promiscuity and even loss of voice take place in the practice of education institutions. The so-called “corn of confusion” is the identification of definitions “formation of skills of academic vocal sound production” (formation of sound in free throat with fixing muscular sensations to adjust the position of the larynx, adjustment of impedance, etc.) and “development of skills of close articulation” (these are very different muscular feelings of the mouth, tongue, lips...). The publication reveals peculiarities of a number of methods of academic sound forming, which are directed at intensification of muscle-vibrating sensations and vocal hearing in every possible way. These skills will help a future art specialist to coordinate the work of the vocal apparatus in accordance with the standard professional sound production. Taking into account the physiological characteristics of the vocalist, it is advisable to find individual effective methods and techniques of developing academic vocal sound production skills for each participant of the educational process. The ultimate goal of the formed skills should always be singing in covered, soft, rounded, sonorous, homogeneous sound that corresponds to the audio standard of professional sound production, which is imitated by all the singers of the academic manner.
Ключові слова
звук, вокальний звук, академічний вокальний звук, свідомість, асоціації, відчуття, навички, вокальний слух, барорецепція, майбутні фахівці з мистецтва, постановка голосу, sound, vocal sound, academic vocal sound, conscious vocal sound, sound production, associations, feelings, voice training
Бібліографічний опис
Ластовецька, Т. М. Формування навичок вокального академічного звукоутворення в майбутніх фахівців з музичного мистецтва [Текст] / Т. М. Ластовецька // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2016. – Вип. 2 (8). – С. 171–182.