Педагогічна діагностика здатності вчителя музики до керування хоровим співом
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті схарактеризовано методику педагогічної діагностики
здатності вчителя музики до управління хором, що визначається як
системно упорядкований комплекс його фахових властивостей.
Сформульовано мету управління хором; обґрунтовано ієрархічну
структуру означеного феномену, зокрема, здатність до аутосинергії, що
має своїми компонентами музикальність, волю особистості до творчих
дій та техніку, та здатність до синергії дій вчителя-диригента й
інтонаційних дій хору, яка складається з сингонії, синхронії, синопсії та
симпатії. виступають критеріями оцінки професійної здатності вчителя
музики. Згідно з визначеною компонентною структурою означено критерії
оцінки професійної здатності вчителя музики.
The purpose of the article is to characterize a technique of pedagogical diagnostics of the music teacher’s ability choir conducting. The proposed diagnostics is developed in a context of our research, which is carried out in South-Ukrainian national pedagogical university named after K. Ushinsky. The ability of music teacher to conduct the school choir is considered as the systemic ordered complex of individual properties, which are necessary and sufficient for successful maintenance of choral singing of the pupils. It is affirmed, that the major purpose of choir conducting is the achievement of synergy effect (in an ideal – effect of harmonic entity). The synergy effect of choral singing is the consequence of actions of all its participants. Three synergy parties of choral singing are allocated: а) an autosynergy of every choir participant’s actions; b) synergy of vocal and articulation actions of the choir participants; c) synergy as a product of interaction of the chief of choir (teacher) and singers (schoolchildren). The ability of the music teacher choir conducting is submitted as hierarchy. The ability to autosynergy includes such components: а) musicality; b) will of the person to creative actions; c) technique. The ability of the teacher to synergy cooperation with singing choir is constituted by the following components: synthony, synchronism, synopticism and sympathy. The revealed components of choir singing process serve as criteria of an estimation of professional ability of the music teacher. Developed pedagogical diagnostics of teacher’s ability uses means of testing and expert estimation.
The purpose of the article is to characterize a technique of pedagogical diagnostics of the music teacher’s ability choir conducting. The proposed diagnostics is developed in a context of our research, which is carried out in South-Ukrainian national pedagogical university named after K. Ushinsky. The ability of music teacher to conduct the school choir is considered as the systemic ordered complex of individual properties, which are necessary and sufficient for successful maintenance of choral singing of the pupils. It is affirmed, that the major purpose of choir conducting is the achievement of synergy effect (in an ideal – effect of harmonic entity). The synergy effect of choral singing is the consequence of actions of all its participants. Three synergy parties of choral singing are allocated: а) an autosynergy of every choir participant’s actions; b) synergy of vocal and articulation actions of the choir participants; c) synergy as a product of interaction of the chief of choir (teacher) and singers (schoolchildren). The ability of the music teacher choir conducting is submitted as hierarchy. The ability to autosynergy includes such components: а) musicality; b) will of the person to creative actions; c) technique. The ability of the teacher to synergy cooperation with singing choir is constituted by the following components: synthony, synchronism, synopticism and sympathy. The revealed components of choir singing process serve as criteria of an estimation of professional ability of the music teacher. Developed pedagogical diagnostics of teacher’s ability uses means of testing and expert estimation.
Ключові слова
управління хоровим співом, синергія, вчитель музики, педагогічна діагностика, choir conducting, synergy, music teacher, pedagogical diagnostics
Бібліографічний опис
Цао Хункай Педагогічна діагностика здатності вчителя музики до керування хоровим співом [Текст] / Цао Хункай // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ВВП «Мрія», 2016. – Вип. 1 (7). – С. 165–172.