Теоретичні засади формування вмінь професійно-виконавської самореалізації студентів-вокалістів на заняттях з «Постановки голосу»
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У статті з’ясовано теоретичні засади формування вмінь професійно-виконавської самореалізації студентів-вокалістів на заняттях з Постановки голосу. Представлено тлумачення ключових понять дослідження «самореалізація», «професійна самореалізація», «виконавська діяльність», «професійно-виконавська самореалізація». Доведено важливість занять з Постановки голосу для формування професійно-виконавської самореалізації студентів-вокалістів.
The article explains theoretical foundations for the formation of the skills of professional-performing self-realization of students-vocalists at classes on voice training. Interpretations of key concepts of research “self-realization”, “professional self-realization”, “performing activity”, “professional-performing self-realization” are presented. Self-realization means, firstly, the ability of a person to objectify the wealth of his inner world in any form of activity (work, play, cognition, communication, etc.); secondly, the process of implementing (transforming) abilities and personal potencies (plans, attitudes, etc.) both in activity and in another person; thirdly, the desire to develop the strengths of the personality. Professional self-realization is referred to as the conscious and purposeful practical activity of a person in one or another professional sphere, in the course of which a gradual development of his/her personal and professional potential for achieving his/her own professional standard is taking place. Performing activity is system-forming and determining in the structure of professional training of the future teacher of musical disciplines. This complex structural phenomenon is built on the integration of many components and leads to the professional growth of the future specialist on the basis of creative dialogic interaction with the phenomenon of musical art. Professional-performing self-realization is a deliberate and purposeful practical activity aimed at translating its potential capabilities into performing activities for mastering professional competence and obtaining pleasure from the result of this activity. The importance of classes on voice training for the formation of the skills of professional-performing self-realization of students-vocalists is proved.
The article explains theoretical foundations for the formation of the skills of professional-performing self-realization of students-vocalists at classes on voice training. Interpretations of key concepts of research “self-realization”, “professional self-realization”, “performing activity”, “professional-performing self-realization” are presented. Self-realization means, firstly, the ability of a person to objectify the wealth of his inner world in any form of activity (work, play, cognition, communication, etc.); secondly, the process of implementing (transforming) abilities and personal potencies (plans, attitudes, etc.) both in activity and in another person; thirdly, the desire to develop the strengths of the personality. Professional self-realization is referred to as the conscious and purposeful practical activity of a person in one or another professional sphere, in the course of which a gradual development of his/her personal and professional potential for achieving his/her own professional standard is taking place. Performing activity is system-forming and determining in the structure of professional training of the future teacher of musical disciplines. This complex structural phenomenon is built on the integration of many components and leads to the professional growth of the future specialist on the basis of creative dialogic interaction with the phenomenon of musical art. Professional-performing self-realization is a deliberate and purposeful practical activity aimed at translating its potential capabilities into performing activities for mastering professional competence and obtaining pleasure from the result of this activity. The importance of classes on voice training for the formation of the skills of professional-performing self-realization of students-vocalists is proved.
Ключові слова
самореалізація, професійна самореалізація, виконавська діяльність, професійно-виконавська самореалізація, студенти-вокалісти, заняття з Постановки голосу, self-realization, professional self-realization, performing activity, professional-performing self-realization, students-vocalists, classes on voice training
Бібліографічний опис
Ши Шучао Теоретичні засади формування вмінь професійно-виконавської самореалізації студентів-вокалістів на заняттях з «Постановки голосу» [Текст] / Ши Шучао // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2017. – Вип. 1 (9). – С. 229–236.