Природа критичного мислення: проблема визначення
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті здійснена спроба прояснити природу критичного мислення та виявити його співвідношення з іншими стилями мислення. Зʼясовано, що цей феномен постає як багатовимірний і складний за своєю сутністю. Критичне мислення є, насамперед, рефлексивне й самостійне, яке саморегулюється, і включає елементи нелінійного і творчого. В певному сенсі можна стверджувати про його синтетичний або інтегративний характер. Серед його основних когнітивних навичок більшість експертів називають: інтерпретацію, аналіз, оцінку, умовивід, пояснення та саморегуляцію.
The rapid spread of fake information, news leads to the inconsistency of the real being with the way of the world, formed in the mind of man under the powerful influence of fakes. As a consequence we are faced with the problem of existential confusion, loss of senses, axiological guidelines, psychological discomfort. One of the effective mechanisms for solving this problem is the transformation of the thinking style of modern man. According to many experts this is critical thinking. The article attempts to clarify the nature of critical thinking and to identify its relationship with other styles of thinking. Generally speaking, critical thinking means the ability of a person to question the information coming in both about the outside world and himself. It is revealed that this phenomenon appears to be multidimensional and complex in nature. Critical thinking is, first and foremost, a reflexive one that seeks to find a solution to overcome doubt by finding a definite judgment and making a decision. It may also include elements of the non-linear, which implies the rejection of linear, pattern-based thinking and an orientation to the subjectʼs willingness to create and perceive change. The subjectʼs ability to ask questions from an unexpected perspective that expands the range of possible solutions or ways of thinking about relationships that challenge assumptions and induce to see the world differently and in a new way, suggests that there is a creative component to critical thinking. This style of thinking is characterized by autonomy, which allows a person to self-correct this process, and therefore, elements of self-organization are also included in the structure of critical thinking. Thus, critical thinking can be regarded as a synthetic or integrative phenomenon and its basic cognitive skills include interpretation, analysis, assessment, reasoning, explanation and self-regulation.
The rapid spread of fake information, news leads to the inconsistency of the real being with the way of the world, formed in the mind of man under the powerful influence of fakes. As a consequence we are faced with the problem of existential confusion, loss of senses, axiological guidelines, psychological discomfort. One of the effective mechanisms for solving this problem is the transformation of the thinking style of modern man. According to many experts this is critical thinking. The article attempts to clarify the nature of critical thinking and to identify its relationship with other styles of thinking. Generally speaking, critical thinking means the ability of a person to question the information coming in both about the outside world and himself. It is revealed that this phenomenon appears to be multidimensional and complex in nature. Critical thinking is, first and foremost, a reflexive one that seeks to find a solution to overcome doubt by finding a definite judgment and making a decision. It may also include elements of the non-linear, which implies the rejection of linear, pattern-based thinking and an orientation to the subjectʼs willingness to create and perceive change. The subjectʼs ability to ask questions from an unexpected perspective that expands the range of possible solutions or ways of thinking about relationships that challenge assumptions and induce to see the world differently and in a new way, suggests that there is a creative component to critical thinking. This style of thinking is characterized by autonomy, which allows a person to self-correct this process, and therefore, elements of self-organization are also included in the structure of critical thinking. Thus, critical thinking can be regarded as a synthetic or integrative phenomenon and its basic cognitive skills include interpretation, analysis, assessment, reasoning, explanation and self-regulation.
Ключові слова
критичне мислення, сумнів, фейкові новини, когнітивні навички, рефлексивність, нелінійність, critical thinking, doubt, fake news, cognitive skills, reflexivity, non-linearity
Бібліографічний опис
Наумкіна, О. А. Природа критичного мислення: проблема визначення [Текст] / О. А. Наумкіна // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: М. М. Ведмедєв, В. С. Бугрій, І. О. Снегірьов та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 1 (19). – С. 150–160.