Принципи конструктивізму і перформативності знання в концепції Ж.-Ф. Ліотара
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Стаття присвячена розгляду основоположних ідей епістемологічної концепції Ж.-Ф. Ліотара – принципів конструктивізму і перформативності. Автором розкриваються їх пояснювальні можливості в плані осмислення новітніх явищ у сфері освіти і науки. Зіставляються різні тлумачення феномену технонауки. Вводиться розрізнення двох вимірів знання – предметного (репрезентативного) і ресурсного. Робиться висновок про суперечливе взаємовідношення ресурсного і екзистенціального значень знання.
The article illustrates principles of constructivism and performativity of knowledge of the conception, offered by a French philosopher J.-F. Lyotard, have influenced the practice of contemporary science and education in the era of postmodernism. The principle of constructivism means that best performativity cannot consist in obtaining additional information. It comes rather from arranging the data in a new way. This capacity to articulate that used to be separate can be called imagination. It characterizes the dominant attitudes of modern intellectual activity – search of already present knowledge and its processing. The principle of performativity means that information is gathered together, analysed and generated only when it can be justified in terms of utility criteria. It changes the disciplinary structure of science. Knowledge that cannot be justified in terms of efficiency and effectiveness will be downgraded or even abandoned. For example, aesthetics and philosophy cannot easily be justified in terms of performance, while finance and management are straightforwardly defended. Technoscience is formed. It supposes understanding cognitive activity (including scientific) as to activity in a manner second, inferior in relation to practical transformation outward things and a man. The last circumstance testifies that knowledge in such context loses it value, and acquires status of intellectual resource. If knowledge is consciously produced as not value, but with the purpose of its the subsequent resource use, qualities which are very specific. It above all things is applicability, efficiency, technologicalness, availability, effectiveness and others like that. By the way, in a translation from English one of the values of word «performance» is «operating descriptions». J.-F. Lyotard writes about these «operating descriptions» knowledge, when talks about its efficiency, effectiveness, performativity. As for the properties of objectivity, system, rationality, integrity, they characterize knowledge not in its resource dimension, but in subject (representative) dimension. Mixing these aspects is a methodological error. A conclusion on deeply contradictory character of influence on a man of resource status of knowledge and his existential value is made in the article.
The article illustrates principles of constructivism and performativity of knowledge of the conception, offered by a French philosopher J.-F. Lyotard, have influenced the practice of contemporary science and education in the era of postmodernism. The principle of constructivism means that best performativity cannot consist in obtaining additional information. It comes rather from arranging the data in a new way. This capacity to articulate that used to be separate can be called imagination. It characterizes the dominant attitudes of modern intellectual activity – search of already present knowledge and its processing. The principle of performativity means that information is gathered together, analysed and generated only when it can be justified in terms of utility criteria. It changes the disciplinary structure of science. Knowledge that cannot be justified in terms of efficiency and effectiveness will be downgraded or even abandoned. For example, aesthetics and philosophy cannot easily be justified in terms of performance, while finance and management are straightforwardly defended. Technoscience is formed. It supposes understanding cognitive activity (including scientific) as to activity in a manner second, inferior in relation to practical transformation outward things and a man. The last circumstance testifies that knowledge in such context loses it value, and acquires status of intellectual resource. If knowledge is consciously produced as not value, but with the purpose of its the subsequent resource use, qualities which are very specific. It above all things is applicability, efficiency, technologicalness, availability, effectiveness and others like that. By the way, in a translation from English one of the values of word «performance» is «operating descriptions». J.-F. Lyotard writes about these «operating descriptions» knowledge, when talks about its efficiency, effectiveness, performativity. As for the properties of objectivity, system, rationality, integrity, they characterize knowledge not in its resource dimension, but in subject (representative) dimension. Mixing these aspects is a methodological error. A conclusion on deeply contradictory character of influence on a man of resource status of knowledge and his existential value is made in the article.
Ключові слова
перформативність, performativity, постмодерн, postmodern, виробництво знання, productive of knowledge, освіта, education, конструктивізм, constructivism, суспільство знання, society of knowledge, знаннєві ресурси, knowledge resources, технонаука, technoscience
Бібліографічний опис
Ведмедєв, М. М. Принципи конструктивізму і перформативності знання в концепції Ж.-Ф. Ліотара [Текст] / М. М. Ведмедєв // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: Н. В. Кочубей, В. А. Косяк, Є. О. Лебідь та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 2 (12). – С. 89–97.