Украинские истоки новаторства Прокофьева-пианиста (к 125-летию со дня рождения)
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Целью статьи является обобщение фактов биографии Сергея
Прокофьева раннего, украинского периода жизни композитора,
повлиявших на формирование его творческой личности, композиторского
и исполнительского стиля, а также петербургского периода юного
ученичества в консерватории. Анализируются педагогические установки и
методические подходы талантливых родителей к бережному развитию
гениального одаренного ребёнка, которые, не будучи музыкантами
профессионалами, не только подготовили его к обучению в столичной
консерватории на композиторском и исполнительском факультетах, но и
воспитали в нем высокий интеллект, независимость суждений и
абсолютную уверенность в себе. В статье освещается влияние общей
кризисной обстановки в стране в период между двумя революциями 1905 –
1917 гг на становление творческой личности С. Прокофьева, которое
проявилось в активных поисках новых идей и средств их воплощения, в
трансформации художественного мышления С. Прокофьева.
The goal of this article is to delineate the biographic details of Sergei Prokofiev’s early, Ukrainian period of his life, which influenced the development of his creative personality, formation of his style as a composer and as a performer, as well as helped shape the St. Petersburg period of the young composer’s studies in the conservatory. Sergei Prokofiev is famous not only as one of the most widely performed composers of the XX-XXI centuries, but also as a talented, virtuoso pianist – interpreter, not inferior in his European popularity to Sergei Rachmaninoff in his time. The creative work of S. Prokofiev-the composer is inseparable from that of S. Prokofiev - the performer. In fact, the two represent equivalent facets of the powerful, harmonious talent of this musical genius of the XX century. In this article, the author examines the early, Ukrainian origins of development of the composing and performing talents of S. Prokofiev, which have previously been mentioned only in the context of the Russian musical art. The author delves into pedagogical tactics and methodological approaches, used by Prokofiev’s talented parents to gently guide the development of their genius, gifted child. The successful strategies employed by the parents, who themselves were not professional musicians, made it possible to prepare Sergei for conservatory in the country’s capital in both the composer and the performing departments, as well as to develop his high intellect, independence of judgment, and absolute self confidence. Lastly, the author highlights the impact of the general crisis in the country during the period between the two revolutions 1905-1917 on the formation of the creative person of Sergei Prokofiev. This, in turn, manifested itself in Prokofiev’s active search for new ideas and means of their realization and in the transformation of his artistic thinking.
The goal of this article is to delineate the biographic details of Sergei Prokofiev’s early, Ukrainian period of his life, which influenced the development of his creative personality, formation of his style as a composer and as a performer, as well as helped shape the St. Petersburg period of the young composer’s studies in the conservatory. Sergei Prokofiev is famous not only as one of the most widely performed composers of the XX-XXI centuries, but also as a talented, virtuoso pianist – interpreter, not inferior in his European popularity to Sergei Rachmaninoff in his time. The creative work of S. Prokofiev-the composer is inseparable from that of S. Prokofiev - the performer. In fact, the two represent equivalent facets of the powerful, harmonious talent of this musical genius of the XX century. In this article, the author examines the early, Ukrainian origins of development of the composing and performing talents of S. Prokofiev, which have previously been mentioned only in the context of the Russian musical art. The author delves into pedagogical tactics and methodological approaches, used by Prokofiev’s talented parents to gently guide the development of their genius, gifted child. The successful strategies employed by the parents, who themselves were not professional musicians, made it possible to prepare Sergei for conservatory in the country’s capital in both the composer and the performing departments, as well as to develop his high intellect, independence of judgment, and absolute self confidence. Lastly, the author highlights the impact of the general crisis in the country during the period between the two revolutions 1905-1917 on the formation of the creative person of Sergei Prokofiev. This, in turn, manifested itself in Prokofiev’s active search for new ideas and means of their realization and in the transformation of his artistic thinking.
Ключові слова
композитор-исполнитель, архаика и авангард, футуризм, особенности стиля, истоки новаторства, новый музыкальный язык, самостоятельность, энергия ритма, composer-performer, archaic and the avant-garde, futurism, uniqueness of style, sources of innovation, new musical language, independence, energy of rhythm
Бібліографічний опис
Алексеева, Г. В. Украинские истоки новаторства Прокофьева-пианиста [Текст] / Г. В. Алексеева // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2016. – Вип. 2 (8). – С. 66–73.