Перелом в цивилизационном развитии и его ценностные ориентации
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті здійснений аналіз історії виникнення та взаємодії двох напрямів розвитку цивілізації: традиційної та техногенної. Основний акцент зроблений на розкритті сутності перелому в цивілізаційному розвитку, обумовленого глобалізацією. Глобалізація виступає комплексним геополітичним, геоекономічним, геокультурним явищем, яке здійснює потужний вплив на всі сторони життєдіяльності спільнот, що включаються в цей процес. Її можна визначити як процес ослаблення традиційних, територіальних, соціокультурних, державно-політичних і економічних бар’єрів, які ізолюють народи один від одного і, поряд з цим, оберігають їх від неупорядкованих зовнішніх впливів. Сьогодні можна констатувати, що сучасна цивілізація знаходиться на переломному етапі свого розвитку. Необхідно змінювати стратегію розвитку, оскільки людству загрожує загострення глобальних криз. Що означає зміну стратегії розвитку? Зазвичай, відповідаючи на це питання, говорять про зміну цілей, Але за кожним набором цілей стоять цінності. Найважливішими з них на сучасному етапі є: життя людини, свобода, гідність, справедливість, гуманізм, ненасильство, законність та інші. Ключові слова: цивілізація, традиційна цивілізація, техногенна цивілізація, глобалізація, перелом цивілізації, цінності цивілізації.
The article gives an analysis of the history of origin and interaction of the two branches of civilization: traditional and technogenic. The main emphasis is on revealing the essence of the crisis in civilizational development, conditioned by globalization. Globalization is a complex geopolitical, geoeconomic, geocultural phenomenon that exerts a powerful influence on all aspects of the vital activities of communities involved in this process. It can be defined as the process of weakening traditional, territorial, sociocultural, state-political and economic barriers that isolate peoples from each other and, at the same time, protect them from unordered external influences. Today we can state that modern civilization is at a critical stage of its development. Apparently, it is necessary to change the development strategy, since mankind is threatened by the aggravation of global crises. What does it mean to change the development strategy? Usually, when answering it, they talk about changing goals, but behind each set of goals are values. The most important of them at the present stage are: human life, freedom, dignity, justice, humanism, nonviolence, legality and others. In the context of the problems of sociocultural interaction, two groups of consequences of scientific and technical progress must be specially considered, the first of which unites processes in the main integrative process leading to the erosion of boundaries within human life, and the second, on the contrary, disintegrative processes that separate and Separating groups of people from each other. Technologies that promote integration include: transport, communication, a special role is played by the global Internet. It allows people with common interests to unite, regardless of the country and the distance they live from each other. At the same time, nothing prevents one person from participating in many such «interest groups». A natural barrier to such integration is still the language barrier. However, with the advent of effective online translation systems in real time and this barrier begins to disappear. The likely consequence of integration will be a decline in cultural diversity, pulling all sides of life to those societies and social groups where progress is greatest. This is clearly seen in the example of modern globalization, accompanied by the «Americanization» of societies. In the modern world, science-intensive technologies are the determining factor of economic development and the fundamental basis for ensuring national security. The production of high-tech products is now becoming one of the main conditions for the successful integration of a country into the emerging system of international relations. Nuclear energy and nuclear technologies belong to that category of high technologies, which largely determine the ways of further development of technogenic civilization. They have the most direct impact on socio-economic, social and political processes in countries and in the sphere of interstate relations.
The article gives an analysis of the history of origin and interaction of the two branches of civilization: traditional and technogenic. The main emphasis is on revealing the essence of the crisis in civilizational development, conditioned by globalization. Globalization is a complex geopolitical, geoeconomic, geocultural phenomenon that exerts a powerful influence on all aspects of the vital activities of communities involved in this process. It can be defined as the process of weakening traditional, territorial, sociocultural, state-political and economic barriers that isolate peoples from each other and, at the same time, protect them from unordered external influences. Today we can state that modern civilization is at a critical stage of its development. Apparently, it is necessary to change the development strategy, since mankind is threatened by the aggravation of global crises. What does it mean to change the development strategy? Usually, when answering it, they talk about changing goals, but behind each set of goals are values. The most important of them at the present stage are: human life, freedom, dignity, justice, humanism, nonviolence, legality and others. In the context of the problems of sociocultural interaction, two groups of consequences of scientific and technical progress must be specially considered, the first of which unites processes in the main integrative process leading to the erosion of boundaries within human life, and the second, on the contrary, disintegrative processes that separate and Separating groups of people from each other. Technologies that promote integration include: transport, communication, a special role is played by the global Internet. It allows people with common interests to unite, regardless of the country and the distance they live from each other. At the same time, nothing prevents one person from participating in many such «interest groups». A natural barrier to such integration is still the language barrier. However, with the advent of effective online translation systems in real time and this barrier begins to disappear. The likely consequence of integration will be a decline in cultural diversity, pulling all sides of life to those societies and social groups where progress is greatest. This is clearly seen in the example of modern globalization, accompanied by the «Americanization» of societies. In the modern world, science-intensive technologies are the determining factor of economic development and the fundamental basis for ensuring national security. The production of high-tech products is now becoming one of the main conditions for the successful integration of a country into the emerging system of international relations. Nuclear energy and nuclear technologies belong to that category of high technologies, which largely determine the ways of further development of technogenic civilization. They have the most direct impact on socio-economic, social and political processes in countries and in the sphere of interstate relations.
Ключові слова
цивілізація, традиційна цивілізація, техногенна цивілізація, глобалізація, перелом цивілізації, цінності цивілізації, civilization, traditional civilization, technogenic civilization, globalization, fracture of civilization, values of civilization
Бібліографічний опис
Цикін, В. О. Перелом в цивилизационном развитии и его ценностные ориентации [Текст] / В. О. Цикін // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Н. В. Кочубей, В. А. Косяк, Є. О. Лебідь [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 1 (15). – С. 3–19.