Особливості прояву музично-естетичних смаків у підлітковому віці
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлено особливості прояву музично-естетичних
смаків підлітків. Визначено актуальні завдання формування
музично‑ естетичного смаку учнів у процесі співацького навчання, а саме:
формування основ музично‑ естетичної культури підлітків; збагачення
музично‑ естетичного досвіду учнів; оволодіння підлітками необхідними
вміннями і способами естетичного освоєння музичних творів; розвиток
естетичних здібностей учнів у процесі співацького навчання. Доведено, що
формування музично-естетичних смаків підлітків повинне здійснюватися
як єдиний органічний процес творчого розвитку особистості учня,
виховання у нього естетичного ставлення до музичного мистецтва в
процесі оволодіння естетичними знаннями й уміннями.
The article highlights the peculiarities of the musical-aesthetic tastes manifestation of adolescents. The actual tasks of forming musical-aesthetic tastes of the students in the process of learning singing are determined, namely: formation of the basics of the musical-aesthetic culture of adolescents; enriching the musical-aesthetic experience of students; mastering of the necessary skills and the ways of aesthetic studying of musical works by the adolescents; development of aesthetic abilities of students in the process of learning singing. It is proved that formation of musical-aesthetic tastes of adolescents should be carried out as the only organic process of creative development of the student’s personality, education of his aesthetic attitude to musical art in the process of mastering aesthetic knowledge and skills. It is stressed that specifics of the influence of music on schoolchildren is that it calls in them appropriate aesthetic experiences, dynamic, saturated images and associations, induces active thinking, organizes the appropriate mood of their spiritual world. Education by music is not an isolated process, but connected with the social and general mental development of a student, is carried out in the context of the formation of a holistic personality of a person. It is concluded that students-teenagers are trained differently to interact with musical art. The existing state of their musical-aesthetic education indicates that a significant proportion of students have an inadequate experience of learning and mastering musical art, experiencing significant difficulties in establishing a fruitful dialogue with manifestations of beauty in musical-performing practice. Awareness of the existing state of musicalaesthetic education of students leads to the need to study and analyze factors that do not contribute to the achievement of the necessary results in musicalaesthetic education of students in the process of learning singing.
The article highlights the peculiarities of the musical-aesthetic tastes manifestation of adolescents. The actual tasks of forming musical-aesthetic tastes of the students in the process of learning singing are determined, namely: formation of the basics of the musical-aesthetic culture of adolescents; enriching the musical-aesthetic experience of students; mastering of the necessary skills and the ways of aesthetic studying of musical works by the adolescents; development of aesthetic abilities of students in the process of learning singing. It is proved that formation of musical-aesthetic tastes of adolescents should be carried out as the only organic process of creative development of the student’s personality, education of his aesthetic attitude to musical art in the process of mastering aesthetic knowledge and skills. It is stressed that specifics of the influence of music on schoolchildren is that it calls in them appropriate aesthetic experiences, dynamic, saturated images and associations, induces active thinking, organizes the appropriate mood of their spiritual world. Education by music is not an isolated process, but connected with the social and general mental development of a student, is carried out in the context of the formation of a holistic personality of a person. It is concluded that students-teenagers are trained differently to interact with musical art. The existing state of their musical-aesthetic education indicates that a significant proportion of students have an inadequate experience of learning and mastering musical art, experiencing significant difficulties in establishing a fruitful dialogue with manifestations of beauty in musical-performing practice. Awareness of the existing state of musicalaesthetic education of students leads to the need to study and analyze factors that do not contribute to the achievement of the necessary results in musicalaesthetic education of students in the process of learning singing.
Ключові слова
смак, естетичний смак, художній смак, музичноестетичний смак, підліток, співацьке навчання, taste, aesthetic taste, artistic taste, musical-aesthetic taste, teenager, learning singing
Бібліографічний опис
Лі Жуйцін Особливості прояву музично-естетичних смаків у підлітковому віці [Текст] / Лі Жуйцін // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2017. – Вип. 2 (10). – С. 157–164.