Кафедра громадського здоров'я та медико-біологічних основ фізичної культури
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Перегляд Кафедра громадського здоров'я та медико-біологічних основ фізичної культури за Ключові слова "cardiointervalography"
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Документ Pathogenic Specifics of Development of Vegetative Dysfunction in Adolescents in Relation to their Morphological Status(2017) Скиба Ольга Олександрівна; Skyba Olha OleksandrivnaExploring the mechanisms of vegetative regulation in children and adolescents of different somatotypes has a prognostic value in regard to the character of adaptive reactions of the organism, as it facilitates the identification of the risk factors of pathological processes and states of vegetative systems, which may cause chronic illness in adulthood. The author defines the pathogenic specifics of development of vegetative dysfunction in adolescents in relation to their morphological status. Cardiointervalography and anthropometric, mathematical and statistical methods of research were used. Based on the results of cardiointervalography, the structure of initial vegetative tonus was established, which was characterized by prevalence of eutonia (38.4 ± 4.9%). The specific weight with background eutonia of adolescent boys and girls tended to be higher among the representatives of the thoracic and muscular somatotypes, compared to adolescents of the alimentive and osseous somatotypes (Р < 0.001–0.05). The established specifics indicate that thoracic and muscular somatotypes ensure optimal adaptation of organisms to the environment. Sympathicotonia was measured among the majority of boys of extreme constitutional variants (alimentive and osseous somatotypes) (36.3% and 30.0% respectively), which demonstrates the activation of adaptive mechanisms in the abovementioned category of examined adolescents, while among girls this phenomenon was evident among the representatives of the osseous and thoracic somatotypes (38.5% and 30.8% respectively). We found that the majority of examined adolescents (53.4%) had a normal vegetative reactivity. Gender differences in the structure of vegetative reactivity of adolescents could well be explained by the higher number of girls of asympaticotonic type (19.2%) compared to boys (7.3%, Р < 0.05). Furthermore, we found that hypersympathicotonic and asympathicotonic types of vegetative reactivity were characteristic of the majority of representatives of the alimentive and osseous somatotypes irrespective of the gender, which indicates activation of functioning of the cardiovascular system, decreased adaptive capacity of the organism among the examined group. The research shows that the group at risk of developing functional deviations in vegetative systems is formed by the representatives of the alimentive and osseous somatotypes.Документ The Features of Vegetative Regulation of the Heart Rate in Athletes with Different Levels of Perception and Processing of Visual Information(2017) Скиба Ольга Олександрівна; Skyba Olha Oleksandrivna; Пшенична Любов Василівна; Pshenychna Liubov Vasylivna; Устименко-Косоріч Олена Анатоліївна; Ustymenko-Kosorich Olena AnatoliivnaThe study involved 32 children aged from 11–12 who were receiving training in sports schools in Sumy. The children were divided into three study groups with high, medium and low levels of sensorimotor reactivity, defined in terms of complex visual-motor response. The study methods were psychophysiological, cardiointervalography, mathematical and statistical. We found that the majority of individuals with a medium level of sensorimotor reactivity possessed vegetative tonus, characterized by background emphotony, while sympathicotonia was prevalent in the group of athletes with a high level of sensorimotor reactivity, in comparison with those with medium and low levels of sensorimotor reactivity. Vegetative imbalance that manifests via hypersympaticotonic reactivity occurred among athletes with high and medium levels of sensorimotor reactivity, which is the evidence of stress on the cardiovascular system, decline of adaptive capacity of the organism in the individuals investigated. Shorter latent periods of complex visual-motor responses (LP SR 1–3 and LP SR 2–3) were observed among athletes with hypersympaticotonic vegetative reactivity, compared to sportsmen with normal type of vegetative reactivity. Analysis of indicators of heart rate variability revealed an increased activity of the sympathoadrenal system in athletes with a high level of sensorymotor response, which is confirmed by significantly lower values of SDNN and RMSSD in comparison with athletes with a low level of sensorymotor response. The activation of central regulation in athletes with a high level of sensorimotor responses also show significantly higher values IN and Amo, in comparison with athletes with a low level of sensorymotor response. The figures IN (47.7%), and Amo (45.3%) were those most effected by the level of sensorimotor reactivity. Less effected were figures of SDNN (43.1%), which reflects general heart rate variability and RMSSD (43.1%), which reflects high frequency components of heart rate. Analysis of change in dynamics of figures of heart rate variability provides evidence of higher activity of the sympathoadrenal system in athletes with a high level of sensorimotor reactivity, which facilitates increased stress on heart rhythm vegetative regulation mechanisms, accompanied by decline of parasympathetic influences of the vegetative nervous system.