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Документ Director of the Sumy State Pedagogical Institute Dmytro Nukalov:Stroke to the Biography Against the Background of the Day(2024) Kushch Yaroslav Mykolaiovych; Кущ Ярослав Миколайович; Semeshyn Eduard Volodymyrovych; Семешин Едуард ВолодимировичBased on an extensive range of archival sources, the article reflects the biography of Dmytro Nukalov, a graduate and director of the Sumy State Pedagogical Institute. The study aims to comprehensively reconstruct the biography of D.Nukalov as an educator, scientist, and manager and outline promising directions for further research.The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that D.Nukalovʼs life story has, for the first time, become the subject of an independent, comprehensive scientific investigation. Highlighting the life path of this figure is significant for studying the past of the Sumy region, particularly in the context of educational history.The methodological basis of the study is the biographical method, utilizing the principles of scientific objectivity, historicism, and a combination of systemic and regional approaches aimed at a critical scientific analysis of a complex of historical sources.Conclusions. The study of D.Nukalovʼs life path emphasizes the necessity of integrating his biography into the broader context of Soviet educational policy, political repression, and ideological pressure. This allows for a deeper understanding of the interaction between the individual and society under a totalitarian regime.Analysis and introduction into circulation of a wide range of archival documents allowed us to sufficiently reconstruct the life and work of D.Nukalov. It was established that he spent most of his life (1931-1941, 1943-1954) working in Sumy, where he held prominent teaching, administrative, and party positions. Particular attention is given to his socio-political activities, scholarly pursuits, teaching at the Sumy Mechanical Engineering College (March 1934 – January 1939), and managing the Sumy State Pedagogical Institute (July 1940 – September 1941 and November 1944 – September 1948). In the general context of the biography, the contribution of D.Nukalov as the head of the institute to its development and functioning in the post-war period is determined. The primary cause of the destruction of his career and life has also been revealed.Документ Yosyp Rozhnovskyі: a Biographical Dossier(2024) Kushch Yaroslav Mykolaiovych; Кущ Ярослав Миколайович; Olitskyi Viacheslav Oleksandrovych; Оліцький В'ячеслав ОлександровичThe article, based on archival sources, highlights the biography of the educator, one of the first leaders of the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S.Makarenko, Yosyp Rozhnovskyi. The goal of the article is to provide a comprehensive coverage of the biography of Y.Rozhnovskyі, a manager and teacher, and to identify promising areas for further research.The scientificnovelty of this article lies in the fact that the biography of Y.Rozhnovskyі became the object of a separate scientific study for the first time. Particular attention is focused on the ‘Sumy period’ of Y.Rozhnovskyіʼs life (1925, 1933-1941), when he headed the Sumy Higher Three-Year Pedagogical Courses (early July 1925), Sumy Pedagogical College (July – October 1925), worked as a lecturer at the Sumy Pedagogical Institute (September 1933 – July 1934) and taught at the Sumy Machine-Building College (September 1937 – September 1941), the horizontal connections of the studied figure in the field of pedagogical education of the USSR of the 1920s – 1930s are revealed. The portrait photo of Y.Rozhnovskyі is published for the first time.The methodologicalbasis of the study is based on the biographical method, using the principles of scientific objectivism, historicism, and consistency using general scientific methods of synthesis, analysis, and generalization.Conclusions: The analysis of the available source base allowed us to cover the life and activities of Y.Rozhnovskyi until September 1941. The pedagogical and managerial activities in the ‘Sumy period’ (1925, 1933-1941) are analyzed in detail. In the general context of the biography, the period of his work as the head of the Sumy Pedagogical College and teaching at the Sumy Pedagogical Institute is highlighted.Документ Військово-навчальні центри рейхсверу на території Радянського Союзу (1925–1933 рр.)(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2011) Кущ Ярослав Миколайович; Kushch Yaroslav MykolaiovychУ статті розглянуто створення військово-навчальних центрів рейхсверу на території Радянського Союзу. Центральне місце посідає аналіз діяльності авіаційного центрууЛипецьку, танковоїшколи «Кама», хімічнихполігонів «Підосінкі» та «Томка».