Перегляд за Автор "Koinash Maryna"
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Документ The Impact of Displaced Universities on Society: Social and Economic Transformations(СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка, 2024) Sychikova Yana; Сичікова Яна; Nestorenko Tetiana; Несторенко Тетяна; Cherniakova Zhanna Yuriivna; Чернякова Жанна Юріївна; Kaplunovska Alla; Каплуновська Алла; Koinash Maryna; Койнаш МаринаThe article examines displaced universities as a response to external threats, such as military conflicts and political repression. The study analyzes historical cases from World War II and modern examples in Europe, including the European Humanities University in Lithuania and Ukrainian universities relocated after 2014. The research employs historical-comparative analysis and socio-economic modeling. Findings highlight the role of displaced universities in local economic growth, entrepreneurship, and community development. Challenges include social tensions and ecological concerns. Practical recommendations focus on improving state policies, digitalization, and financial support. Future research should explore long-term socio-economic effects and integration strategies.