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Документ Genesis and Development of the Associative Teaching Foreign Languages(СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка, 2022) Husak Lyudmyla; Гусак Людмила; Пріма Раїса; Prima RaisaThe problem of efficient foreign language teaching has been hotly debated issue since ancient times. More than four centuries ago, a great educator Ian Amos Komenský wondered at how difficult it was to learn a foreign language in the then schools, how complicated and lengthy was the process of studying even one Latin. He emphasized that the basis of primary language learning (either Latin, or any other one), should be a study of the real world. The intensive methods of teaching, which form the core of associative learning strategy, are mentioned in the article. The purpose of intensive associative learning is to assimilate maximum amount of educational material in a minimum period of studies. Аssociative methods (the method of graphic associations, method of sound (phonetic) associations, complex associative method and others), which are closely interrelated with intensive methods, are described by the authors. All of them help pupils to overcome a number of difficulties in language acquisition in a fundamentally new way, help children to absorb better even the basics of their native language. A special attention is paid to the method of associative symbols. It highlights the language of movements, gestures, facial expressions, the language of our body, language of coded ideas and associations. This method improves the perception and reproduction of information, being built on the child's ability to imagine and fantasize. It allows to create an image of practically any lexical or grammatical unit by means of bright children’s imagination. :