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Документ Peculiarities of Forming of Leadership Positions of Social Worker(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018) Балахтар Валентина; Balakhtar ValentynaThe article reveals an important integrated characteristic of the personality of a modern specialist in social work as the presence of a developed leadership position, that is, an integrated, relatively stable, dynamic personal education that characterizes a certain system of human relationships to people and to oneself in the complexity of social relations. The specifics of the formation of a leadership position in social workers are highlighted, the acquisition of a humanistic culture is envisaged: a set of universal human ideas, professional value orientations, personal qualities, humanistic pedagogical technologies that promote successful self-realization in harmony with the universal culture, the acquisition of professional and social stability. Leadership is an integral characteristic of a specialist, it affects significantly the quality of social work and even the level of skills of employees. The main property of leadership is the ability of the future social worker to make independent decisions, because he must be a social leader and combine in the professional activities the performance of functions as a leader, manager and administrator. However, in the process of traditional professional training of the future social workers, the leadership aspect is not allocated and, accordingly, is not perceived by students as an essential component of professional activity On the example of the study of leadership qualities among the students of the specialty "Social Work" in higher education institutions of the city of Chernivtsi, the necessity of forming and becoming a leader in the future specialists in the educational process is proved. The empirical study included 124 students from two high schools in the Chernivtsi city (Ukraine). We used the following psychological methods: a test of self-actualization (SB) from Shostrom (E. J. Aleshina, L. Gozman, E. M. Dubovska, M. V. Kroz, 1987); Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ Form 5X-Short) (B. J. Avolio, B. M. Bass, 1999); Diagnostic methods of leadership (Ye. Zharikov, Ye. Krushelnytskyi, N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov, G. M. Manuilov, 2002); method of "Assessment of communication and organizational skills dispositions - KOD" (O. M. Kokun, I. O. Pishko, N. S. Lozinska, O. V. Kopanytsia, M. V. Herasymenko, V. V. Tkachenko, 2012); self study method of personality traits of T. Dembo, S. Rubinstein, technique "Leadership Effectiveness" (R. S. Nemov, 2001). In the process of studying the level of the formation of the leadership position of the university students, the motivational-value, cognitive-behavioral and personality-reflexive criteria, which are closely interrelated and interdependent, are analyzed. The results of our study showed that only 5 % of the university students surveyed had a high level of leadership among the future specialists in social work. The uncertainty in the answers were revealed, which testify to the existing problems in the quality and effectiveness of training specialists in the social sphere at the university, which require additional research and taking measures to address them.