Реформування господарського механізму мистецьких закладів в Україні (1985-1991)

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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Досліджуються характерні риси й особливості процесу реконструкції господарського механізму мистецьких закладів в рамках економічної реформи влади. Простежується динаміка формування економічного мислення митців. З’ясовуються наслідки переведення мистецтва на госпрозрахунок, самофінансування і самоокупність. Вказується, що удосконалення господарського механізму, що відбувалося як складова частина процесу демократизації, сприяло відродженню у митців почуття господаря, уможливлювало їх безпосередню участь в господарчо-фінансовому плануванні і розпорядженні прибутками. Наголошується, що в умовах ринкової економіки творча інтелігенція опинилася наодинці з необхідністю дбати не лише про реалізацію творчого задуму, але й про рентабельність власної творчості.
Based on using a wide range of sources, the article examines the characteristics and peculiarities of the process of reconstructing the economic functioning of art institutions in the framework of the economic reform of the authorities. It was pointed out that the problems in the economic sphere of the state, which solving was burning in the mid-1980s, were also inherent in the field of art. It was found that reforming the economic mechanism of art and cinema institutions activity was held by way of mechanical transferring to them similar production practices. The author includes adjusting self-financing as a method of management, testing non-state forms of ownership, introducing paid services, introduction economic activity abroad to the main components of the process. The dynamics of forming artists’ economic thinking was traced. It was proved that the main achievement of the introduction of new conditions of production and financial activities was excluding artists’ excessive responsibility for production, planning and economic, financial indicators. It was pointed out that improving the economic mechanism, which took place as an integral part of the democratization process, helped to revive the artists’ sense of ownership, enabled their direct participation in economic and financial planning and management of profits. It was traced how the use of self-financing method led to a high degree of artists’ personal interest in the success of the common economic activity. The author considers that in the course of reforming the economic grounds of art institutions, the trends of deteriorating social protection of creative workers, commercialization of art, which lowered the quality of artists’ collegial relations, caused social tension in the artistic environment. It was emphasized that in the conditions of market economy the creative social strata found to be alone with the need to take care not only of the realization of the creative idea, but also of the profitability of their own creative activity. The conclusions state that the process of reforming the economic mechanism required 1) a change in the psychology of both managers and artists; 2) certain experience, traine personnel, other methods of management than those existing within the socialist system; 3) it was accompanied by the destruction of the established ties at all the levels, which took place within the framework of the general social cataclysm and was perceived by the society as the collapse of the national art.
Ключові слова
мистецтво, митці, господарювання, кооператив, госпрозрахунок, самофінансування, самоокупність, платні послуги, art, artists, economic management, cooperative production unit, combined planned state and independent financing economic activity, self-financing, self-sufficiency, paid services
Бібліографічний опис
Абакумова В. І. Реформування господарського механізму мистецьких закладів в Україні (1985-1991) [Текст] / В. І. Абакумова // Консенсус : науковий журнал / Сумський державний педагогічний університет ім. А. С. Макаренка. – 2022. – № 1. – С. 54–75. – DOI: 10.31110/consensus/2021-01/054-075