Динаміка фізичного розвитку студентів після впровадження методичної системи фітнес-технологій
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті досліджено динаміку фізичного розвитку студентів після впровадження в освітній процес із фізичного виховання методичної системи фітнес-технологій. Упровадження методичної системи застосування фітнес-технологій певною мірою впливає на стан фізичного розвитку студентів. динаміка антропометричних показників студентів експериментальних і контрольних груп залежала від змісту навчальних і позанавчальних занять із фізичного виховання. Упровадження методичної системи застосування фітнес-технологій в освітній процес із фізичного виховання студентів експериментальних груп як чоловіків, так і жінок сприяло покращення функціональних показників, а саме: ЧСС за 1 хв, АТ систолічного, АТ діастолічного, індексу Робінсона, ЖЄЛ, сили м'язів сильнішої кисті руки. Оцінювання антропометричних і функціональних показників сприяло також визначення динаміки індексів фізичного розвитку студентів упродовж педагогічного формувального експерименту: силовий індекс, життєвий індекс, масо-ростовий індекс, проба Штанге, проба Генчі, індекс Гарвардського степ-тесту.
The article investigates dynamics of physical development of students after introduction in physical education process the methodological system of fitness technologies. Implementation of the methodological system of fitness technologies to a certain extent affects the state of physical development of students. Dissociation and difference of results measured by indicators of physical development corresponds to ambiguous and different manifestations of morpho- functional features of students, which complicates usage of fitness technologies in practice of physical education. Experimental data has shown that, in experimental groups, men and women have reliable differences only in body weight and in the index of Erisman, during molding pedagogical experiment. Men and women in experimental and control groups have shown not significant increase in the chest girth, while the body length remained almost unchanged, and body weight in experimental groups has significantly decreased. Dynamics of anthropometric indices of students in experimental and control groups depended on the content of educational and extra-curricular physical education classes. Low initial level of physical fitness and physical development of students does not allow usage of high amount and intensity training load during the experimental work, which in general negatively affects physical development of students of experimental and control groups. Implementation of methodological system of fitness technologies in physical education process of students of both men and women from experimental groups contributed to the improvement of functional indicators, namely: heart rate for 1 min, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, Robinson index, lung life volume (LLV), muscle strength of dominant hand. The evaluation of anthropometric and functional indicators also helped to determine dynamics of students' physical development indices during formative pedagogical experiment: force index, vital index, mass-growth index, Shtange test, Genci test, Harvard step-test index. Dynamics of students' physical development after introduction of fitness technologies methodological system shows that students have low and unsatisfactory levels of physical development. A significant portion of students cannot reach even the average level of physical development. The analysis of students' physical development shows imperfection of physical education system, a low level of physical preparedness of students and unsatisfactory state of physical culture and sanitary work in higher education institutions.
The article investigates dynamics of physical development of students after introduction in physical education process the methodological system of fitness technologies. Implementation of the methodological system of fitness technologies to a certain extent affects the state of physical development of students. Dissociation and difference of results measured by indicators of physical development corresponds to ambiguous and different manifestations of morpho- functional features of students, which complicates usage of fitness technologies in practice of physical education. Experimental data has shown that, in experimental groups, men and women have reliable differences only in body weight and in the index of Erisman, during molding pedagogical experiment. Men and women in experimental and control groups have shown not significant increase in the chest girth, while the body length remained almost unchanged, and body weight in experimental groups has significantly decreased. Dynamics of anthropometric indices of students in experimental and control groups depended on the content of educational and extra-curricular physical education classes. Low initial level of physical fitness and physical development of students does not allow usage of high amount and intensity training load during the experimental work, which in general negatively affects physical development of students of experimental and control groups. Implementation of methodological system of fitness technologies in physical education process of students of both men and women from experimental groups contributed to the improvement of functional indicators, namely: heart rate for 1 min, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, Robinson index, lung life volume (LLV), muscle strength of dominant hand. The evaluation of anthropometric and functional indicators also helped to determine dynamics of students' physical development indices during formative pedagogical experiment: force index, vital index, mass-growth index, Shtange test, Genci test, Harvard step-test index. Dynamics of students' physical development after introduction of fitness technologies methodological system shows that students have low and unsatisfactory levels of physical development. A significant portion of students cannot reach even the average level of physical development. The analysis of students' physical development shows imperfection of physical education system, a low level of physical preparedness of students and unsatisfactory state of physical culture and sanitary work in higher education institutions.
Ключові слова
динаміка, здоров'я, методична система, студенти, фізичний розвиток, фітнес, фітнес-технології, dynamics, health, methodological system, students, physical development, fitness, fitness technologies
Бібліографічний опис
Жамардій, В. Динаміка фізичного розвитку студентів після впровадження методичної системи фітнес-технологій [Текст] / В. Жамардій // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 3 (87). – С. 222–233.