Пахненко Ірина ІванівнаPakhnenko Iryna Ivanivna2017-03-032017-03-032016Пахненко, И. Знания об особенностях текста академической лекции как база для осмысления механизмов его продуцирования [Текст] / И. Пахненко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 6 (60). – С. 52–60.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1237В статье на материале лингвистических и лингвометодических дисциплин определена специфика категориальных признаков лекторского научно-учебного текста: категорий информативности, целостности, континуума, когезии, коммуникативности, интеграции; приведены средства реализации этих категорий. Охарактеризованы такие особенности текста академической лекции, как полилогичность и диалогическая природа. Сделан вывод о том, что знания об особенностях лекторских речевых партий могут стать базой для осмысления механизмов их порождения.Practice shows that the students, future teachers of linguistics and linguistic disciplines have some difficulties in building and text design of academic lectures. The development of this segment of professional speech training is only possible in the context of knowledge about the peculiarities of the text of modern scientific and educational lectures, which are determined by the latest achievements in the field of text linguistics, communicative linguistics, pedagogical discourse, etc. The most important feature of the text of academic lecture is informative character, which is determined by logicality, objectivity, accuracy, conclusiveness of presentation, terminology and saturation and is reflected in two types of information – content-factual and thematic. The integrity of the text of scientific and educational lecture is achieved by the presence in it of the structures which “need detailing and allows the reader or listener to identify the themes and subthemes of the text”; the internal organization of semantic unity, i.e. the distinct relations between the main theme and its sub-themes, on the basis of which the student can “predict” the thinking of the teacher; the presence of transitions between the completed parts of the lecture. Peculiar embodiment in scientific and educational texts gets the category of the continuum: the continuum of time and space is poorly represented (except for those segments of the lectures, where we are talking about the formation and development of an issue in the history of linguistics or lingua-methodology), the information unfolds in a logical term in different ways, deductive, inductive, traduction, problem. A continuum of an academic lecture is provided by special types of communication – cohesion: traditional grammatical means (conjunction, conjunctive words, prepositions, adverbs), logical (verbal formulas), and composite-structural. The peculiarity of the category of connectedness is a large amount of retrospection. A distinctive feature of an academic lecture takes place its dialogical nature, which implies that in the process of creating the text of the lecture is dialogical knowledge correlation – the correlation of “old” (already existing in the information supply of students) and “new” knowledge. The presented analysis of the lecturer’s speech parties in statics is the basis for understanding activity programs underlying the construction of these texts (dynamics).ukтекст академической лекциикатегории информативностицелостностиконтинуумакогезиикоммуникативностиинтеграцииполилогичностьдиалогическая природаtext of an academic lecturecategories of informative characterintegritycontinuumcohesioncommunicationintegrationpolyloguedialogic natureЗнания об особенностях текста академической лекции как база для осмысления механизмов его продуцированияKnowledge About the Features of the Text of Academic Lecture as a Basis for Understanding the Mechanisms of its ProductionArticle