Євтушенко Євген ГригоровичYevtushenko Yevhen Hryhorovych2017-09-152017-09-152015Євтушенко, Є. Г. Навчальна та спортивно-оздоровча діяльність кафедр фізичного виховання педагогічних ВНЗ України в 1944–1991 рр. [Текст] / Є. Г. Євтушенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 7 (51). – С. 409–415.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2283У статті, на основі аналізу джерел, встановлено, що кафедри фізичного виховання протягом досліджуваного періоду виконували різні види діяльності, серед яких чільне місце займали навчальна та спортивно-оздоровча. Навчальна діяльність передбачала проведення групових та індивідуальних занять зі студентами в навчальних відділеннях, консультації, контроль та оцінювання рівня фізичного виховання. Спортивно-оздоровча діяльність включала заходи в режимі дня та відпочинку студентів, їх спортивне вдосконалення, підготовку фізкультурного активу та збірних команд.This article analyzes educational, sports and health-improving activities of Physical Education Departments of Teacher Training Universities of Ukraine in 1944-1991. On the basis of sources it was found out that during the research period the Physical Education Departments of Teacher Training Universities have become the main structural unit on which the direct work of students’ physical development was entrusted. In accordance with the instructions and regulations of Physical Education Departments various activities were performed, the prominent place among these was occupied by educational, sports and health-improving activities. Educational activities were carried out in accordance with the plans and programs approved by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR. It included conducting group and individual sessions with students at educational departments, advice on physical self-improvement, monitoring and evaluation of physical education. The main priority in this activity was to raise the quality of trainings and general physical training of students. Educational activities go along with sports and health-improving ones and they take a significant place in the work of Physical Education Departments. Health improvement was due to measures included in the day regimen and leisure of students: morning hygienic gymnastics in hostels, fitness breaks during academic classes, skiing, biking and hiking, tourism and leisure in camps. In addition to conducting health-improving activities at Physical Education Department of Teacher Training universities the organizational support of sports life was included. They approved plans for mass sports work, the position of high school competitions in various sports, formed the national team. The study proved that Physical Education Departments were working on the creation of an asset for sport faculties, courses, groups. It was found out that Physical Education Departments of Teacher Training Universities were engaged not only in deployment of sports activities at their establishments, but also they provided practical assistance to schools. Teachers of the departments organized intra-school, district, city and regional sports contests. Sports and health-improving activities were to ensure the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, forming a high level of physical and moral qualities of future teachers.ukвищі педагогічні навчальні закладикафедра фізичного вихованнянавчальна діяльністьспортивно-оздоровча діяльністьhigher education institutionsPhysical Education Departmenteducational activitiessports and health-improving activitiesНавчальна та спортивно-оздоровча діяльність кафедр фізичного виховання педагогічних ВНЗ України в 1944–1991 рр.Educational, Sports and Health-Improving Activities of Physical Education Departments of Teacher Training Universities of Ukraine in 1944-1991Article