Никифоров Андрій МихайловичNykyforov Andrii Mykhailovych2024-06-172024-06-172019Никифоров А. М. Естетико-філософські принципи бароко у розвитку художньої культури і освіти України ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. [Текст] / А. М. Никифоров // Теоретичні питання культури, освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць. – Київ, 2019. – Вип. 1 (59). – С. 53–56.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15048У статті розглянуто застосування і зміст терміну «бароко», його сутність та основні завдання як стилю в образотворчому мистецтві. Основну увагу приділено автором висвітленню естетико-філософських принципів бароко задля визначення їх подальшого впливу на становлення концептуальних засад вітчизняної культури і художньої освіти. Зроблено висновок щодо проявів принципів бароко у художньо-ремісничому русі України ХІХ – початку ХХ століття.In the article the application and content of the term «baroque», its essence and the main tasks as a style in the fine arts are considered. The author focuses on the clarification of the aesthetic and philo sophical principles of the Baroque. During the Baroque period, man's worldview was split and finally lost integrity and harmony. Worldview of man met the internal contradictions of life, human life, the universe. Historians of culture singled out as a sp ecial category for the study of the Baroque, the so-called ntinomy -incompatible opposites that in aggregate show some harmony and aesthetics. Such antinomy is extremely important for understanding the essence of the Baroque. The most characteristic baroqu e antinomies are: - opposition to chaos and order; - the person at the same time all and nothing; - opposition to life and death. There are still some contrasts at such levels of cognition of being as time, space, and thinking. For the philosophy of the age of Baroque it is characteristic to see in the very foundation of things the tear and contradiction. The essence of the baroque as an artistic direction, first of all, reflects the crisis concept of the world and personality. The Baroque artistic concept is humanistic oriented, but socially pessimistic: it contains doubts about the possibilities of man, the feeling of the futility of being. The basic principles, feature, specific features of the Baroque, against other cultures are: increased emotionality; apparent dynamism; emotionality, contrast of images. Baroque is characterized by contrast, tension, dynamic images, the pursuit of grandeur and splendor, to the combination of reality and illusion, to blend and at the same time - the tendency toward the autonomy of particular genres. Thus, the author enlightens the aesthetic and philosophical principles of the Baroque in order to determine their subsequent influence on the formation of the conceptual foundations of national culture and artistic education. A conclusion is drawn about the manifestations of the principles of baroque in the artistic and crafts movement of Ukraine in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.ukестетико-філософські принципи барокохудожня освітакультураобразотворче мистецтвохудожньо-ремісничі майстерніaesthetic-philosophical principles of baroqueartistic educationculturefine artsartistic and handicraft workshopsЕстетико-філософські принципи бароко у розвитку художньої культури і освіти України ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.The Aesthetic and Philosophical Principles of the Baroque in the Development of Artistic Culture and Education in Ukraine 19th – Early 20th CenturyArticle