Мороз Людмила ВасилівнаMoroz Liudmyla Vasylivna2024-12-092024-12-092024Мороз Л. Організація консультування батьків дітей із порушенням психофізичного розвитку в закладі дошкільної освіти [Текст] / Л. Мороз // Актуальні питання корекційної освіти (педагогічні науки) : збірник наукових праць / за ред. О. Гаврилова. – Кам’янець-Подільський : Видавець Ковальчук О. В., 2024. – Вип. 23. – С. 204–213.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16087У статті визначено, що співпраця з батьками дітей із порушенням психофізичного розвитку стала ключовим чинником успішності інклюзивного освітнього процесу в дошкільному закладі. Така позиція виводить на якісно новий рівень значення сімейного виховання і підвищує вимоги щодо участі батьків у освітньому процесі. The article notes that cooperation with parents of children with psychophysical development disorders has become a key successful factor of the inclusive educational process in a preschool institution. This position brings the importance of family education to a qualitatively new level and increases the requirements for parents’ participation in the educational process.The article notes that cooperation with parents of children with psychophysical development disorders has become a key successful factor of the inclusive educational process in a preschool institution. This position brings the importance of family education to a qualitatively new level and increases the requirements for parents’ participation in the educational process. The article emphasizes that the creation of an inclusive educational environment is impossible without the establishment of partnership relations, therefore it is important to conduct a constant dialogue with the family in order to: understand the parents’ position and priorities; learn about parents’ expectations from cooperation; to assess parents’ desire and opportunities to participate in the inclusive educational process. Partnership with parents will help them feel competent and confident in their abilities, will help them better cope with the difficulties associated with raising a child. It is important to remember that working with children’s parents is an ongoing process that requires patience, understanding and cooperation. The author notes that the approach to work with parents of children should be individual, determined by the needs of each family and depend on the specific situation. Individual consultations are defined as the most effective forms of work, taking into account a differentiated approach and pedagogical deontology: consultations-dialogues; consultative and educational theoretical classes; practical training. Consultations-dialogues in the article are considered as a method of two-way interaction, the main purpose of which is to establish individual contact, create a comfortable atmosphere between parents and a specialist, and ensure confidence in confidentiality. The author emphasizes that the full participation of parents of children with impaired psychophysical development in the corrective and developmental process depends on the level of their theoretical and practical http://aqce.com.ua/ Actual problems of the correctional education 206 preparation and pedagogical skills. And offers organization of individual advisory-educational and advisory-practical classes. The author claims that proper parents’ theoretical and practical preparation of children with impaired psychophysical development will create an opportunity for equal participation in drawing up individual corrective and developmental programs, determining their priority directions, will make it possible to objectively evaluate their effectiveness and ensure effective implementation.ukконсультуванняпорушення психофізичного розвиткузаклад дошкільної освітибатькиcounselingchildren with impaired psychophysical developmentpreschool education institutionparentsОрганізація консультування батьків дітей із порушенням психофізичного розвитку в закладі дошкільної освітиOrganization of Parents Counseling of Children with Impaired Psychophysical Development in a Preschool Education InstitutionArticle0000-0001-6087-125210.32626/2413-2578.2024-23.204-213