Минбаєва АйгеримMynbaieva AiherymАнарбек НазгульAnarbek Nazghul2017-02-152017-02-152016Мынбаева, А. Педагогика нового века: особенности преподавания предмета «самопознание» [Текст] / А. Мынбаева, Н. Анарбек // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 127–137.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1049В статье освещены особенности преподавания учебного предмета «Самопознание», что представляет собой новое важное направление обновления содержания среднего образования Казахстана. Доказано, что предмет является уникальным, поскольку по содержанию и способу изложения отличается от других учебных предметов. Подчеркивается, что преподавание предмета «Самопознание» как светского учения о духовности опирается на идеи педагогики ХХI века, личностно-смыслового развития, осознание единства всего сущего и новых стратегий преподавания.The article deals with the peculiarities of teaching the subject “Self-knowledge” that represents a new important direction of updating the content of secondary education in Kazakhstan. It is proved that the subject matter is unique because the content and method of presentation differs from other academic subjects. It is noted that teaching of the subject “Self-knowledge”, as a secular teachings about spirituality, is based on the ideas of the pedagogy of the XXI century, personal-semantic development, awareness, unity of all things and new strategies of teaching. The purpose of the subject is development of a child, harmonious development of his/her intellectual and moral potential. In order to teach the subject the teacher must have the Certificate of the National research and Wellness center “Bobek”. It is common knowledge that in order to teach the teacher needs to have in addition to knowledge of the program of “Self-knowledge”, a good ethical culture, rich inner world, continuously pursue internal spiritual work; to be able to attract different students to dialogue, to argue. The teacher himself must be a personal example of a person living in the unity of thoughts, words and deeds. It is important for the teacher to master the art while designing to connect by the theme like the plot line on basis of the principle of identifying universal values the blocks of classes; in the implementation to be able to do transitions with a focus on the topic and value. Actually the teacher performs the roles of the screenwriter and director. Indeed, the question of subjectivity and dependence on the teacher of the quality of subject teaching is significant. However, we should remember that modern post-nonclassical science also stands on the principles of the subjectivity of the knower of consciousness. Another view of the Kazakhstan scientists is the need to bring the elements of cognitive education, namely the teaching of the self-knowledge concepts that will help you design a process not only of spiritual self-development, but also personal and psychological development.ruпредмет «Самопознание»учение про духовностьинновационный образовательный продуктsubject “Self-knowledge”teaching about spiritualityinnovative educational productПедагогика нового века: особенности преподавания предмета «самопознание»Pedagogy оf the New Century: Characteristics оf Teaching the Subject “Self-Knowledge”Article