Пономаренко Наталія ПетрівнаPonomarenko Nataliia Petrivna2025-01-082025-01-082020Пономаренко, Н. П. Формування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістики у процесі професійної підготовки [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 01 "Освіта/Педагогіка", 011 "Освітні, педагогічні науки" / Пономаренко Наталія Петрівна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; науковий керівник О. М. Семеног. – Суми, 2020. – 437 с.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16206Мета дослідження полягає в розробленні та науковому обґрунтуванні моделі формування мовленнєвої компетентності молодших спеціалістів з журналістики у процесі професійної підготовки. Для досягнення мети визначено такі завдання дослідження: схарактеризувати поняттєвий апарат дослідження проблеми формування мовленнєвої компетентності молодших спеціалістів з журналістики; виявити стан розробленості проблеми формування мовленнєвої компетентності молодших спеціалістів з журналістики в педагогічній теорії і практиці; розробити і теоретично обґрунтувати модель формування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістики у процесі професійної підготовки; розробити й упровадити в освітній процес закладів вищої освіти І-ІІ р.а. навчально-методичне забезпечення з формування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістики; експериментально перевірити результативність моделі формування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістики у процесі професійної підготовкиThe problem of formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the process of professional training is generalized and practically solved in the dissertation, basing on the analysis of theory and study of empirical experience. The state of elaboration of the problem of the future junior journalism specialists’ speech competence formation is revealed. The use of structural and logical analysis allowed to summarize international and national legislative and regulatory documents on information security and the functioning of the state language in mass media, higher education, journalistic standards, key competencies of specialists, including specialty 061 Journalism («Publishing and Editing»); to study the elements of Ukrainian and foreign experience regarding the specifics of the professional activity of media specialists, the formation of linguistic-communicative, speech competence of specialists of various specializations, including in colleges; professional training of future junior specialists in journalism in the context of formation of speech competence; to distinguish interdisciplinary discourse, which allows to emphasize the absence of speech competence, to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of professional speech training of such specialists. According to the results of terminological and structural-logical analysis of key research concepts («speech», «journalist», «editor», «professional competence», «speech competence» etc.) and generalization of requirements for the professional training of future journalism specialists the essence of the concept of «speech competence of future junior journalism specialists» is clarified as an important component of professional competence, integrative professional quality of personality, characterized by the presence of stable motives, desire for speech development and self-development, the presence of language and speech knowledge, speech skills, abilities, important for the implementation of language communication with participants in the editorial, publishing and media process. The concept of «formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism» is specified as a holistic competence-oriented educational process in the interconnection of educational, research and practical components, aimed at forming positive motivation, language and speech skills, skills and abilities of Ukrainian-language effective communication, which provides the effective performance of professional activity (creation, editing, promotion of Ukrainian- language media/information product, communication with the author/ customer, etc.), and the result is a positive dynamics of the levels of formation of speech competence of future professionals. The content of the speech competence of the future junior specialist in journalism (its language, socio-cultural, pragmatic (communicative-strategic), info- media components) is revealed, basing on the system-structural analysis. The component structure of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism is substantiated in the unity of components: motivational-personal (respectful attitude to the Ukrainian language, desire to improve one’s own speech; desire/ability to speech development and self-development, empathy, reflection); speech-cognitive (knowledge of linguistic literary norms (orthoepic, accentological, orthographic, lexical-phraseological, grammatical, stylistic), system of knowledge about the peculiarities of professional communication); speech-behavioural (formed language-communicative, text-genre, stylistic- editorial, speech-rhetorical, info-media skills as a basis for editorial-publishing and media activities). Based on the analysis of scientific sources, study of the specifics of professional activity and training, the position of personal-developmental, systemic, culturological, competence, textual, axiological scientific approaches to the formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the training process is characterized. It is determined that the organization of this process should be based on general didactic (integrity; system; systematic and consistent learning; continuity, connection of learning with practice; personal development; problems of the content of education, a combination of individual, group and collective forms of education; interdisciplinary integration) and specific principles (student- centeredness, learning using speech patterns, speech practice, communication, partnership; functional and communicative orientation of education; information ecology). A model of formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the unity of purpose, task, theoretical and methodological (components, approaches, principles), procedural and semantic, diagnostic blocks, pedagogical conditions and results has been developed. Procedural and substantive block reflects the content (educational disciplines of linguistic-literary, professional-practical cycle), forms (binary lectures, problematic lectures, interdisciplinary seminars-workshops, seminars-discussions; speech training, self-guided work, individual work, scientific events, scientific study groups, virtual tours; editorial studio, practice, quest, web-quest, extracurricular activities, presentation of media/information product); methods (research, problem, interactive (editorial analysis and text construction, modelling of professional situations, the method of fact-checking, the method of interactive exercises, micro-research; project method, creation of media/information products, etc.) and means (technical, software, network, creolized, audio-visual) and stages of model implementation (motivational-cognitive, practical-activity, praxeological- reflexive). The diagnostic unit covers diagnostic techniques for identifying the levels of formation of the components of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism (high, medium, low) by the following criteria: personal (indicators: ability to speech self-development and reflection; motivation to succeed); cognitive (indicators: knowledge of the norms of modern Ukrainian literary language); behavioural (indicators: the degree of mastery of communicative activities; the ability to create media text). The pedagogical conditions of realization of the specified model are substantiated: updating of the maintenance of educational-research and practical preparation on the basis of interdisciplinary communications; introduction of interactive forms and methods in order to stimulate positive motivation of young people to improve their own speech and self-education; modelling of professional- imitation situations for the purpose of activation of speech-communicative interaction with participants of editorial-publishing and media process; involvement of students in an active information and developmental educational environment in order to create author’s media / information products. It is proved that the educational and methodological support in the discipline «Ukrainian language (general education course)»: work program, reference notes; workbooks, «Orthoepic notebook», distance course «Preparation for the EIT in the Ukrainian language» on the «Google Class» platform promotes the mastery of linguistic literary norms; in the discipline «Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)»: work program, reference notes; methodical recommendations for practical and self-guided work, the manual «Writing business papers correctly», a distance course on the “Google Class” platform – promotes the formation of skills and abilities of Ukrainian-language professional communication; in the discipline. «Editing juvenile literature and fiction»: work program, guidelines for practicalclasses; distance course on the «Google Class» platform; «Editing educational and reference literature»: work program, manual «Editing educational publications»; manual «Study group «Cultural-linguistic personality of a journalist» – promotes the formation of text-genre, stylistic-editorial, speech-rhetorical, info-media skills; content of the teacher’s blog, professionally oriented page in the social network «Language and press tribe» – promotes the formation of the ability to speech development and self-development, info-media skills. The effectiveness of the model of formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the process of professional training under reasonable pedagogical conditions has been experimentally tested. The developed diagnostic tools revealed a significant dynamics of the levels of formation of components of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in experimental groups, which in all respects is statistically higher than the control group for each criterion. The application of methods of mathematical statistics confirmed the effectiveness of the developed model and pedagogical conditions of its implementation in the process of professional training. The scientific novelty of the research results is that for the first time a model of formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the process of their professional training is theoretically substantiated and developed, which is an ideal reflection of the process of such formation, and is based on the provisions of personal development, systemic, cultural, competence, textual, axiological methodological approaches, general didactic and specific principles; provides for the improvement of the content of academic disciplines («Ukrainian language», «Ukrainian literature», «Ukrainian language for professional purposes», «Editing of scientific, popular science and applied literature», «Editing of educational and reference literature», «Editing of fiction and juvenile literature», «Theory of the creative product and text», «Journalistic ethics», «Psychology of journalism»), involvement of traditional and innovative forms; methods and tools, implemented within the theoretical-methodological, procedural-semantic, diagnostic blocks, in stages, and its result are formed high and medium levels of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism; the pedagogical conditions of realization of the specified model in the course of professional training of future junior specialists in journalism (updating of the maintenance of educational-research and practical preparation on the basis of interdisciplinary communications are substantiated; introduction of interactive forms and methods in order to stimulate positive motivation of young people to improve their own speech and self-education; modelling of professional-imitation situations for the purpose of activation of speech-communicative interaction with participants of editorial-publishing and media process; involvement of students in an active information and developmental educational environment in order to create author’s media/information products; - the essential characteristics of the concepts of «speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism», «formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the process of professional training» are specified; the essence of components (motivational-personal, speech-cognitive, speech-behavioural), criteria (personal, cognitive, behavioural), indicators for characterization of levels (high, average, low) of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism is clarified; - the educational and methodical support of the model of formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the process of professional training and pedagogical conditions of its realization is developed; - theoretical and methodological provisions for improving the content, forms and methods that contribute to the formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism in the process of professional development have been further developed. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the development and implementation in the process of professional training of future specialists in journalism of educational and methodological support in the disciplines «Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)», «Ukrainian language (general education course)”, «Editing of juvenile literature and fiction», «Editing of educational and reference literature”, covering work programs, workbooks, «Orthoepic notebook», reference notes, textbooks, guidelines for practical training); diagnostic tools for determining the levels of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalism (author’s tasks for knowledge of the norms of modern Ukrainian literary language on the cognitive index, creative tasks on the behavioural indicator); the program of the study group «Cultural-linguistic personality of a journalist», the teacher’s blog (http://mova.mksumdu.info/), professionally oriented page in the social network «Language and press tribe» (https://www.facebook.com/groups/437123430211173/?ref=bookmarks). The results of the research can be used to improve the content of work programs of academic disciplines, in the process of developing methodological support for professional training of future specialists in journalism, in the system of professional development of specialists in journalism.ukпрофесійна підготовкамолодший спеціаліст з журналістикимовленнєва компетентністьмовленнєва компетентність майбутнього молодшого спеціаліста з журналістикимодель формування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістикипедагогічні умови формування мовленнєвої компетентностіprofessional trainingjunior specialist in journalismspeech competencespeech competence of future junior specialist in journalismmodel of formation of speech competence of future junior specialists in journalismpedagogical conditions of formation of speech competenceФормування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістики у процесі професійної підготовкиFormation of Speech Competence of Future Junior Specialists in Journalism in the Process of Professional TrainingThesis