Данильченко Олена СергіївнаDanylchenko Olena SerhiivnaКорнус Олеся ГригорівнаKornus Olesia HryhorivnaKornus Anatolii OleksandrovychКорнус Анатолій ОлександровичСюткін Сергій ІвановичSiutkin Serhii IvanovychНешатаєв Борис МиколайовичNeshataiev Borys Mykolaiovych2018-12-042018-12-042018Практична підготовка студентів: стан і проблеми [Текст] / О. Данильченко, О. Корнус, А. Корнус, С. Сюткін, Б. Нешатаєв // Проблеми безперервної географічної освіти і картографії. – 2018. – Вип. 27. – С. 28–34.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6043У статті проаналізовано місце і значення навчальної практики у підготовці майбутніх фахівців з географії та показано важливість і необхідність їх проведення. Розглянуто деякі аспекти навчальної практики з географії спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Географія) на основі краєзнавчого матеріалу. Розкрито мету, основні завдання та етапи проведення практики. Охарактеризовано бази навчальної практики з географії та описано конкретні приклади природних географічних об’єктів, при вивченні яких студенти набувають фахових компетентностей.The article is considered the place and importance of the educational practice for the training of students in geography. On the example of educational practice in field of geography students by the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Geography) the some aspects of its conduct on the basis of local lore material are considered. The article reveals the purpose of the training practice, which consists in consolidating the theoretical knowledge received by students during training, acquiring and improving of practical skills and habits, mastering of modern methods of the field research. The tasks of practice, suggesting to teach the students to use of special instruments and tourist equipment, correctly apply of them in various types of geographical research, teach students to conduct visual observations by themselves, perform of field measurements, and conduct the scientifically grounded processing of empirical results were also described. The stages of the training practice (preparatory, field, and cameral) have been described on the base of conduct of it in Sumy city and its environs. The article also showed the program results of training practice on geography, which consists in applying the theoretical knowledge to form the practical skills, demonstrating the ability to use the special instruments for geographical research, organizing of independent visual observations of the natural objects and phenomena, performing field measurements, demonstrating the ability to perform graphic and cartographic work, the use of professionally proficient knowledge and practical skills for the scientific researches of natural objects, processes and phenomena. The special attention was paid to the description of unique local lore objects: the Romny salt dome named of mount Zolotukha – geological reserve of local significance, as well ad the Mohrytsky Landscape Reserve of local significance, Banitsky Quarry of quartzite, Psel river (along the route Baranivka-Zeleny Gai – in the vicinity of Sumy), and the Botanical Garden of the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, where students are acquire professional competencies. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the training practice on geography is an integral part of lead-up of a highly qualified geographer, it enables students to consolidate their theoretical knowledge in the field, broadens their horizons and cognitive abilities, evokes interest in geography, increases the effectiveness of teaching, and promotes the reliable formation of professional competencies of the students-geographers.ukгеографіяпрактична підготовканавчальна практика з географіїфахівець з географіїpractical trainingeducational practice on geographygeographical educationПрактична підготовка студентів: стан і проблемиEducational Practices on Geography as a Necessary Component of Training of the Specialists on GeographyArticle