Колесник Юлія ІванівнаKolesnyk Yuliia Ivanivna2025-01-292025-01-292021Колесник, Ю. І. Стан системного імунітету та психофізіологічних функцій в умовах набутої короткозорості різного ступеня [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 091 "Біологія" / Колесник Юлія Іванівна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; наук. керівник В. І. Шейко. – Суми, 2021. – 207 с.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16324Дисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню системного імунітету та функціонального стану вищих відділів центральної нервової системи на тлі короткозорості набутої форми різного ступеня. В роботі проаналізовано і узагальнено стан неспецифічного антиінфекційного захисту, клітинної та гуморальної ланок системного імунітету, психофізіологічні функції в осіб із набутою короткозорістю слабкого, середнього та високого ступеня. Виявлено особливості функціонального стану імунної та нервової систем в умовах короткозорості певного ступеня та представлено кореляційні взаємозвязки даних регулюючих систем в умовах набутої короткозорості. Проблема зниженого зору на сьогодні є одним із актуальних напрямів досліджень сучасної біологічної науки. Зважаючи на загальний незадовільний стан здоров’я населення України, зростає роль досліджень, які розкривають особливості функціонування організму людини за наявності в неї різних дисрегуляторних чи преморбідних станів. Короткозорість набутої форми є однією із провідних причин низького зору, що здатна значно погіршити якість життя людини. Її поширеність набуває загрозливих «епідеміологічних» масштабів у світі, особливо серед осіб молодого працездатного віку. Вважається, що набута короткозорість розвивається як адаптаційна реакція зорової сенсорної системи до довготривалої роботи на близькій від ока відстані під впливом інформаційно-емоційного стресу, роль якого постійно посилюється у зв’язку із інтенсивною інформатизацією «цифрового» суспільства. Найбільший відсоток населення із короткозорою рефракцією виявлено в країнах Східної Азії (80-96 %), в США, Європі – до 50 %. В Україні показник поширеності короткозорості варіюється від 10 до 30 % населення, а результати дитячих медоглядів свідчать про його щорічне зростання. Як правило, набута короткозорість, сформувавшись у шкільному віці стабілізується до 20-30 років без складних патологічних ускладнень, проте її високі значення становлять ризик розвитку ускладнень, що можуть у подальшому призвести до втрати зорової функції. В той же час, набута короткозорість – це не лише вада зору, а й певний функціональний стан організму, розвиток якого пояснюється ретино-епіфізарно-гіпоталамічними і ретино-гіпофізарними взаємозв'язками нейроструктур ока з неокортексом та підпорядковується механізмам нейроімуноендокринної взаємодії в організмі. Проведено дослідження особливостей системного імунітету та функціонального стану вищих відділів центральної нервової системи в осіб із набутою короткозорістю слабкого, середнього та високого ступеня.The dissertation is devoted to a comprehensive study of system immunity and functional state of the higher departments of the central nervous system on a background of acquired myopia of varying degrees. The thesis analyzes and summarized the state of non-specific anti-infectious protection, cellular and humoral systemic immunity, psychophysiological functions in persons with acquired myopia of low, moderate and high degree. The peculiarities of the functional state of immune and nervous system in the conditions of myopia’s degree are revealed; the correlation between this regulatory systems in the conditions of acquired myopia are presented. The problem of reduced vision today is one of the important areas of research of modern biological science. Despite the overall poor health of the population of Ukraine, the role of research, revealing the peculiarities of functioning of the human body in the presence of various dysregulatory or premorbid conditions. Myopia acquired forms is one of the leading causes of poor vision that can significantly reduce quality of life. Its prevalence becomes threatening "epidemiological" scale in the world, especially among young individuals of working age. It is believed that acquired myopia develops as an adaptive response of the visual sensory systems to prolonged work at close to the eyes distance under the influence of information and emotional stress, whose role is constantly increasing due to intensive informatization of the «digital» society. The highest percentage of the population with a myopic refraction are revealed in the East Asian countries (80-96 %) in the USA, Europe – up to 50 %. In Ukraine, the prevalence of myopia varies from 10 to 30 % of the population, and the results of children's examinations testify to its annual growth. As a rule, acquired myopia, formed at school age stabiliziruemost up to 20-30 years without advanced pathological complications, but its high values account for the risk of developing complications, which could lead to loss of visual function. At the same time, acquired myopia is not only a visual impairment, but also a certain functional state of all organism, the development of which is due to retino-athcarne-hypothalamic and retino-pituitaric relations neural structures of the eyes with the neocortex and subject to the mechanisms of neuroimmune interaction in the body. The purpose of this work was the study the peculiarities of immune system and the functional state of higher parts of central nervous system in persons with acquired myopia low, medium, high degree. To implement the goal, the following methods of reaserche have been applied: catching data from the forms of primary medical records, universally accepted immunological and clinical methods of investigation of the blood system, investigation of the properties of main nervous processes (the latent period of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions, functional mobility of nervous processes) and psychophysiological functions (attention, short-term memory); parametric and nonparametric methods of statistical processing of the obtained results. The study included 150 participants volunteers aged 18 to 35 years and was carried out at the Department of animal and human biology in the Sumy state pedagogical university named after A. S. Makarenko for 2016-2019 years. The control group was formed of healthy people without chronic or acute diseases with normal visual acuity. The experimental group consisted of 30 people with low (up to -3 diopters), 30 people moderate (-3 to -6 diopters), 30 people with a high degree (-6 diopters) acquired myopia. According to the results of the study of immune status, the overall trend of changes in indicators of cellular factors of nonspecific resistance, cellular and humoral systemic immunity under the conditions of acquired myopia of low, medium and high degree was first discovered. The decrease content of the main immunocompetent cells (leukocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils), natural killer (I-II immune disorders degrees), T-lymphocytes (II immune disorders degree); the increase in the number of monocytes (II-III immune disorders degrees), T- suppressor/cytotoxic (I-II immune disorders degrees), B-lymphocytes (II immune disorders degree) and concentration of immunoglobulin classes M (III immune disorders degree) and A (II immune disorders degree), compared to people with normal vision (control group) were revealed. These changes had the highest expression with a high degree of myopia, which indicates the tendency to deepening disregulating immune disorders in the development of acquired myopia. The immunological status of persons with myopia have been further developed, and the dysfunction of systemic immunity under different myopia’s conditions have been described in greater detail. The evaluation of parameters of nonspecific anti-infectious protection in groups with acquired myopia showed the growth of number of neutrophils (due to the increase in the number of segmented forms), monocytes and the relative content of natural killers (while reducing their absolute numbers) from low to high values of myopia. Thus, with a low degree of myopia these data were the lowest values, with a high degree – the highest. With increasing degree of myopia is an increase in phagocytosis (FC and FI), although they remained at the level lower than in the control group. A study of the cellular link of systemic immunity found that, together with the increase in myopia’s degree on the general T-lymphocyte deficiency, the content of T-helpers/inducers and cytotoxic T-suppressor are decreasing; at the same time, compared with the control data, the content of T-helpers/inductor was less than, and cytotoxic T-suppressors, on the contrary, more. The functional load of a humoral link of systemic immunity increased as a result of increased number of B-lymphocytes and immunoglobulin-productive ability from a low to a high degree, which was accompanied by an increase in disimmunoglobulinemia that is grounds to put on the formation of deep immune disorders. The conducted psychophysiological study has allowed us to first characterize specific features in the functioning of higher CNS departments under the conditions of myopia. The study of neurodynamic indices showed a rise time of latent period of simple sensorimotor reaction in all groups of persons with acquired myopia, reducing the time of latent period of reaction of a choice 2-3 signals and increase the level of FRNP in low and moderate myopia, compared with the control group, indicating worsening with increasing degree of myopia. General for all myopes characteristics of the attention process, which is different from those of practically healthy people, it should be noted the quality work and focus, high level mental performance. The quantity and speed of attention in low and high degrees of myopia was large, and the moderate degree – less; the ability to switch attention is higher in low and moderate myopia. However, in general, it should be noted a decrease in visual information, quality of work and speed of work with an increase in the values of myopia. Indicators of short-term memory in terms of myopia has varied stochasticity: in all groups myopic individuals the highest numeric results were obtained on types of "visual" and "auditory" short-term memory for words and "memory for words", which indicates ease of reading and memorizing of the signals addressed to the second signaling system. The numerical material was reproduced worse than participants with low and moderate myopia, and high myopia, on the contrary, we identified a trend towards improvement in the playback of this type of test-signals. The level of semantic memory the data of myopic persons was higher than the control, but significant differences between them were absent. The generalization and systematization of the studied indicators allowed for the first time to identify the specific features of the functional state of immune and nervous systems on the background of the myopia of a certain degree. In general, people with acquired myopia low degree in the peripheral blood against the background of a general decline in the number of ICC observed lowest levels of neutrophils (by reducing the number of segmented neutrophils) and accordingly, the lowest phagocytic activity; the greatest reduction of T- lymphocytes with the greatest number of cells, T-suppressor/cytotoxic; reduction in the number of B-lymphocytes and a low concentration of IgG. Neurodynamics characteristics was high and the level of FRNP – average. In this group of persons, the best quantitative, high-quality and high-speed indicators of attention and average levels of short-term memory, a decrease in the volume of auditory memory for words were identified (in comparison with moderate and high myopia). In individuals with acquired myopia moderate degree indices of nonspecific and T-cell immunity was at its maximum; in the humoral link of system of immunity the highest concentration of IgA. In this group the highest possible level of FRNP with medium levels of sensorimotor reactions were identified. The attention was characterized by the low quantitative and high-speed performance on the background of average precision. The high volume of short-term memory established in the study of visual memory for words, and a minimum of visual memory for numbers (compared to the low and high myopia). In the group of persons with acquired myopia of a high degree revealed maximum changes in the content of ICC leading to decrease that combined with a maximum number of monocytes; decrease in the number of all T-lymphocytes subpopulations; the highest content of B-lymphocytes and the concentration of the investigated Ig classes. Neurodynamic features of high myopia should be considered with a long time of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions, the lowest level of FRNP. In this group revealed the lowest precision, concentration and switching of attention and the least amount of memory for words and the largest memory on the numbers (compared with low and moderate myopia). The work first shows an analysis of the correlation relationship of the immune and psychophysiological indices on the background of acquired myopia low, moderate and high degree. The existence of close interrelations between these systems, which expands the understanding of the mechanisms neuroimmune regulation of body functions, was showed. Thus, the results of the thesis research indicate that the overall functional changes in systemic immunity and activity of the higher divisions of the CNS, formed under the conditions of myopia acquired forms and, at the same time, indicate the specific differences of these systems in terms of myopia different (weak, medium, and high), which is a scientific novelty and is a base for practical use.ukнабута короткозорістьадаптаціяімунний статусвторинний імунодефіцитдисімуноглобулінеміясенсомоторні реакціїфункціональна рухливість нервових процесівувагакороткочасна пам'ятьacquired myopiaadaptationimmune statussecondary immunodeficiencydysimmunoglobulinemiasensorimotor reactionsfunctional mobility of nervous processesattentionshort-term memoryСтан системного імунітету та психофізіологічних функцій в умовах набутої короткозорості різного ступеняState of Systemic Immunity and Psychophysiological Functions in the Conditions of Acquired Myopia of Various DegreesThesis