Бітько Наталiя ГеоргіївнаBitko Nataliia Heorhiivna2020-01-152020-01-152019Бітько, Н. Г. Педагогічні принципи розвитку вокального мислення майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва [Текст] / Н. Г. Бітько // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : наукове видання / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюга, Н. П. Гуральник та ін.]. – Суми : [ФОП Цьома С. П.], 2019. – Вип. 1–2 (13–14). – С. 157–167. – doi: 10.24139/978-617-7487-53-0/2019-01-02/157-167.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8337У статті розкрито актуальність модернізації вокальної підготовки майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. Визначено сутність і зміст вокального мислення в контексті специфіки фахової підготовки з педагогічною направленістю. Окреслено атрибутивні характеристики та структурні компоненти досліджуваного феномену. Розглянуто особливості вокальної підготовки майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. Обґрунтовано принципи, на основі яких будується вокальна підготовка, спрямована на ефективний розвиток вокального мислення.The article reveals the relevance of modernizing vocal training of future music teachers in accordance with transformation of modern social processes. The aim of the article is to substantiate the principles of development of vocal thinking of future musical art teachers. Research methods: analysis, generalization, concretization, extrapolation, theoretical modeling. Thinking is revealed as a process, a cognitive activity, the products of which are characterized by a generalized, indirect reflection of reality, it is differentiated into types depending on the levels of generalization and the nature of the means used, depending on the novelty of these generalizations and means for the subject, on the degree of activity of the subject of thinking. The definition of vocal thinking is based on the essential characteristics of thinking and the characteristics of the vocal performing-pedagogical activity of a musical art teacher. Accordingly, vocal thinking is considered as a synthesized mental process of a vocalist-teacher, which allows to generalize artistic reality through existing concepts and judgments, as well as make independent vocalperforming and methodological decisions. The product of vocal thinking is the ability to create original vocal-performing interpretations (as realization of affective and artistic-aesthetic impressions through the means of technicalperforming and cultural-logical constructs and categories), and an individual pedagogical concept (as an expression of integrated ideas about the means of organizing vocal-pedagogical activities). The article presents a number of general pedagogical and artisticpedagogical principles, introduction of which in the vocal training of a future music teacher will contribute to development of his/her vocal thinking. These principles are: the principle of purposefulness (careful selection of methods and technologies of vocal training, a repertoire of types of student’s activity, taking into account the laws of formation of the vocal apparatus and historical-style logic of vocal teaching), the principle of individualization (sequential formation on the basis of the psychophysiological and personality characteristics of the student, an individual auditory base of figurative representations), the principle of multi-activity (allows to integrate knowledge and skills acquired in the process of active practical activity), the principle of awareness (activates the ability to consciously control one’s own sound, stage expression, speech, mood and emotional states in the process of singing or pedagogical interaction) and the principle of axiologization (deepening, artistic-theoretical knowledge, auditory experience and practical skills based on a value relation as a source of motivation).ukмисленнявокальна підготовкавокальне мисленняпринциппідготовка вчителя музичного мистецтваthinkingvocal trainingvocal thinkingprincipleprofessional training of a musical art teacherПедагогічні принципи розвитку вокального мислення майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтваPedagogical Principles of Future Musical Art Teachers’ Vocal Thinking DevelopmentArticle0000-0001-5849-021510.24139/978-617-7487-53-0/2019-01-02/157-167