Пахненко Ірина ІванівнаPakhnenko Iryna Ivanivna2017-08-112017-08-112015Пахненко, И. И. Подготовка будущих преподавателей лингвистических и лингвометодических дисциплин к организации самостоятельной и индивидуальной работы студентов-филологов [Текст] / И. И. Пахненко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 6 (50). – С. 271–283.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2119В статье определен круг базовых лингвометодических знаний магистрантов-филологов относительно организации самостоятельной и индивидуальной учебно-практической деятельности студентов: о содержании самостоятельной работы и факторах, определяющих ее соотношение с аудиторными занятиями по лингвистическим и лингвометодическим дисциплинам; об условиях эффективности и учебно-методическом обеспечении процесса учения будущих учителей-русистов; о содержании индивидуальной работы и ее видах. Представлен перечень профес¬сиональных умений будущих преподавателей лингвистических и лингвометодических дисциплин для организации процесса учения студентов-словесников. Предложены задания, которые будут способствовать формированию этих умений.In terms of reforming the current system of higher education, which lies in reorientation from lecture-informative to individual-differentiated and learner-oriented form of studying, the organization of students’ self-guided and individual educational and practical activities is of special importance. It, in its turn, actualizes the problem of readiness of the 6th year students of linguistic and linguomethodological departments (like any others) for the work under conditions mentioned above. In connection with this problem the minimum of basic linguomethodological knowledge and professional skills should be defined. These skills are very important for the 6th year students-philologists in the process of organization of teaching the other students. For the time being, linguomethodology of higher school is lack for appropriate and efficient training program of the 6th year students. Thus, in the context of this problem the article deals with the description of possible idea of training the Master students specializing in the Russian language for the organization of self-guided and individual work of students under present-day conditions. Firstly, the range of basic linguomethodological knowledge is defined, namely, knowledge about: 1) self-guided work and factors which define its correlation with the classes of linguistic and linguomethodological disciplines; 2) the circumstances of efficiency and methodological support in the process of students-philologists’ training; 3) peculiarities of the individual work of would-be teachers of the Russian language and the types of this work. Secondly, the list of professional skills of the 6th year students is represented. The tasks are the following: 1) to define the material scope for the self-guided work on the basis of general curriculum of a certain academic discipline; 2) to substantiate the recommendations of the prominent methodologists concerning the topics selection for students’ self-guided work; 3) to elaborate educational and methodological materials for the students’ self-guided work; 4) to develop the means of (self-) testing; 5) to analyse and use the experience of self-guided work organization suggested by the linguistic and linguomethodological departments of both native and foreign universities; 6) to see the potential of contemporary informational and methodological sources, which can ensure the process of teaching the students; 7) to be able to use educational supplies, methodological recommendations intended for organization of the students’ self-guided activity; 8) to elaborate the individual educational and research tasks, methodological advice to solve them. Thirdly, the tasks of the course “Methodology of teaching the linguistic disciplines at higher school” are suggested. These tasks are thought to be conducive to develop the necessary skills the Master students.ruлингвометодика высшей школысамостоятельная работаиндивидуальная работа студентовусловия эффективности самостоятельной деятельностиучебно-методическое обеспечение процесса учения студентовлингвометодические знанияпрофессиональные уменияlinguomethodology of higher schoolself-guided workindividual students’ workefficiency conditions of self-guided activityeducational and methodological support of the teaching processlinguomethodological knowledgeprofessional skillsПодготовка будущих преподавателей лингвистических и лингвометодических дисциплин к организации самостоятельной и индивидуальной работы студентов-филологовThe Training of the Future Teachers of Linguistic and Linguomethodological Disciplines for the Organization of Self-Guided and Individual Work of Students-PhilologistsArticle