Сахненко Анна ВасилівнаSakhnenko Anna Vasylivna2025-01-082025-01-082020Сахненко, А. В. Акмеологічні засади організації професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів аграрних спеціальностей [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 01 "Освіта/Педагогіка", 017 "Фізична культура і спорт" / Сахненко Анна Василівна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; наук. керівник С. А. Лазоренко. – Суми, 2020. – 271 с. + дод.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16205У дисертації на основі теоретичних методів вивчення інформаційних джерел, узагальнення і систематизації емпіричного досвіду, цілісного наукового аналізу особливостей професійної діяльності та професійно важливих якостей здійснено наукове обґрунтування, розробка та практичне розв’язання проблеми організації акмеологічно спрямованого професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів аграрних спеціальностей. Аналіз основних проблем акмеологічно спрямованого професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів аграрних спеціальностей у процесі формування професійно важливих якостей студентів аграрних спеціальностей дозволив визначити перелік професійно важливих якостей і ціннісних установок, що становлять основу професіоналізму майбутнього фахівця аграрної промисловості і створюють передумови для його саморозвитку і самовдосконалення у період навчання у закладі вищої освіти і впродовж професійної діяльності. Розробка та обґрунтування концептуальних орієнтирів дослідження виявили, що концепція дослідження професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання ґрунтується на системному, компетентісному, акмеологічному та діяльнісному підходах. Системотворчим у дослідженні акмеологічних засад професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів аграрних спеціальностей визначено акмеологічний підхід. З метою визначення сучасного стану професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів аграрних спеціальностей було проведено констатувальний експеримент. Вирішення завдань констатувального експерименту здійснювалось за трьома аспектами − теоретична підготовленість, фізична підготовленість та стан здоров’я. Результати впровадження і експериментальної перевірки ефективності використання моделі організації акмеологічно спрямованого професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів аграрних спеціальностей в умовах освітнього процесу закладу вищої освіти дозволяють стверджувати, що на початковому етапі середні значення показників професійно орієнтованої фізкультурної акме-обізнаності, професійно орієнтованої фізичної підготовленості і рівня фізичного здоров’я у обох групах суттєво не відрізнялись. Експериментальна перевірка виявила позитивну динаміку та достовірно вищий приріст результатів представників експериментальної групи у порівнянні з контрольною за показниками акме-когнітивного, фізичного та здоровязбережувального компонентів і загальним показником акмеологічної професійної фізичної готовності. Статистична обробка отриманих результатів підтвердила ефективність використання моделі організації акмеологічно спрямованого професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання в умовах навчального процесу студентів аграрних спеціальностей.On the theoretical methods basis of studying information sources, generalization and systematization of empirical experience, integral scientific analysis of features of professional activity and professionally important qualities the scientific substantiation, development and practical solution of the problem of organization of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students was carried out in the thesis. By studying and analyzing state legislation, the curriculum of the discipline «Physical Education», working curricula of the discipline «Physical Education», reports on the state of teaching physical education in agricultural higher educational institutions, scientific and educational literature was found out the research state and development problems of organization of professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students, the place and tasks of professionally oriented physical education in the physical education system of agricultural specialties students were determined. The study results allowed us to state that professionally oriented physical education was a pedagogical process of purposeful influence on the future specialist’s personality in order to form theoretical knowledge, professionally important qualities, skills and abilities that characterized students’ objective readiness for successful professional activity. Based on the definitive concepts analysis that made up the thesaurus of our study, which included categories in the field of acmeology and theory and methods of physical culture and sports, their classification was carried out. To the concepts that reveal the essence and specifics of professionally oriented physical education of future specialists in agricultural specialties, the following concepts were included: «physical culture», «physical education system», «physical education», «physical training». To the definitions group that determine the acmeological principles of professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students: «acmeology», «acme», «acmeogram» were included. Defining these concepts essence based on the analysis of the most important aspects, properties and features of a particular object or phenomenon allowed to facilitate the justification and understanding of research problems, to penetrate deeper into their essence and approach their practical solution. Main problems analysis of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students in the formation process of professionally important qualities of agricultural specialties students allowed to determine the list of professionally important qualities and values that form the professionalism basis of the future specialist in agricultural industry at the higher educational institution and during professional activity. As a result of studying the scientific and educational literature in the field of acmeology, pedagogy, theory and methods of physical education, sports and psychology, the organization concept of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students was developed, personal qualities and spiritual values of future professionals in the process of improving physical fitness, personal’s physical health and level of theoretical awareness and self-development during independent work were put into the concept basis. The development and substantiation of the conceptual research guidelines revealed that the study concept of professionally oriented physical education was based on systematic, competency, acmeological and activity approaches. The acmeological approach was defined as system-creating in the study of acmeological principles of professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students. In order to determine the current state of professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students, a statement experiment was conducted. The tasks of the observational experiment were solved in three aspects – theoretical fitness, physical fitness and health. The level of professionally oriented physical culture acme awareness was determined by the theoretical readiness indicator of agricultural specialties students. Based on theoretical analysis and synthesis methods, the concept of “professionally oriented physical acme awareness” was defined as a personal property, which was characterized by the values assimilation level of physical culture, theoretical and practical knowledge of acmeology, physical culture, sports and vocational training, that was due to the future professional activity, and affected the formation of acmeological professional physical fitness of the future specialist. As the study result, the level of professionally oriented acme awareness in 93.6% of students was defined as low. Among to the obtained research data, no results were recorded that correspond to the average, above-average and high levels of professionally oriented physical acme awareness. In terms of physical fitness, it was found out that the results of the vast majority of future agrarians corresponded to low and below average levels: a low level was found in 10.9% of agrarian; lower than average – in 78.6% of students. We stated that representatives with a high level of physical fitness were not found among agricultural specialties students. The study results suggested that 98.8% of students had a low level of physical health. No indicators corresponding to the above-average and high levels were recorded. Based on the analysis and generalization of empirical experience, study of scientific literature and legislation, the content, structure and acmeological principles of professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students in the acmeological dimension were substantiated. The purpose of professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students on the acmeology basis was the consistent formation of physical culture of the specialist’s personality in the agricultural industry, capable to self-development and self-improvement on the way to achieving acme. In accordance with the goal implementation, the task of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students (acmeological, professionally oriented, educational, upbringing, health) was determined. The content of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students, which consisted of football, table tennis, athletic gymnastics, crossfit and acmeological technologies, were revealed. The organizational forms of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students included traditional (lectures, practical, independent, consultations, individual, sectional classes, sports and mass work) and innovative (interactive). Classified teaching methods (by knowledge source (verbal, visual, practical), by the nature of the cognition logic (analytical, synthesis method), by the nature and level of independent students’ mental activity (problem-information, partial-search, reproductive, explanatory-demonstrative), active teaching methods (learning with the use of technical means, moving games, competitions, knowledge self-assessment, simulation, method of strictly regulated exercise, circuit training, individual-active programming, use of training and control tests), methods of control and self-control (final, intermediate, current, self- control)). The model structure and structural components of organization of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education (target block, structural-activity block, procedural-activity block, correctional-effective block) were revealed. The model was based on understanding the acmeological principles of professionally oriented physical education as the main condition for the effectiveness of the goal achieving – the formation of acmeological professional physical fitness of specialists in the agro-industrial complex in higher education. The concept of «acmeological professional physical fitness» was defined as an individual’s integrated ability, which included the following components: a set of knowledge, professionally important physical qualities, physical health, ability to self-development, self-improvement, personal and professional acme in professional activities. The components essence (acme-cognitive, physical, health- preserving) and their indicators (level of professionally oriented physical acme- awareness, professionally oriented physical fitness level, physical health level) that made up the structure of acmeological professional physical fitness was revealed. The formation stages (diagnostic, initial, active development, evaluation- correction, improvement and support), formation levels (low, initial, average, sufficient, high) and formation criteria (acme-cognitive, acme-activity, acme- valeological) of acmeological professional physical fitness. The results of implementation and experimental verification of the model effectiveness of organization of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students in the educational process of higher educational institution suggested that at the initial stage the average values of professionally oriented physical awareness and physical health level in both groups did not differ significantly. The experimental test revealed positive dynamics and significantly higher increase in the experimental group results compared with the control indicators of acme-cognitive, physical and health-preserving components and the general indicator of acmeological professional physical fitness. Statistical processing of the obtained results confirmed the effectiveness of model using of organization of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education in the educational process of agricultural specialties students. Further promising research areas are the enrichment of the acmeological component of sectional classes of professionally oriented physical education of future specialists of the agricultural industry; application of acmeological approach to professionally oriented physical training of agricultural specialties students, who are referred to a special medical group due to their health state; development and substantiation of the recreational activities program in the extracurricular sports and mass work process on the acmeology basis of future specialists of natural- agricultural specialties group. The scientific novelty of the research results is that: - the concepts were clarified and modified: «professionally oriented physical education», «professionally oriented physical fitness», «professionally oriented physical acme awareness», «acmeological professional physical fitness»; the content and forms of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students in the educational process of the educational institution are improved; for the first time a model of organization of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students was theoretically substantiated and developed, its efficiency was experimentally confirmed; special requirements to professionally oriented physical training of agricultural specialties students of higher educational institutions were substantiated; the model scientific and methodological bases of organization of acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students were determined; - the structure, criteria and indicators of acmeological professional physical readiness of agricultural specialties students in the conditions of physical education reforming in the higher educational system have been further developed. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the opportunities to improve health, develop professionally important physical qualities and optimize acmeologically directed professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students for future professional activity.ukакмеологіяакмеологічні засадипрофесійна готовністьакмеологічна професійна фізична готовністьфізичне вихованнязаклад вищої освітисистема фізичного вихованнянавчальний процеспрофесійно орієнтоване фізичне вихованнястуденти аграрних спеціальностейacmeologyacmeological principlesprofessional readinessacmeological professional physical readinessphysical educationinstitution of higher educationsystem of physical educationeducational processprofessionally oriented physical educationagricultural specialties studentsАкмеологічні засади організації професійно орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів аграрних спеціальностейAcmeological Principles of Organization of Professionally Oriented Physical Education of Agricultural Specialties StudentsThesis