Тимчук Лариса ІванівнаTymchuk Larysa Ivanivna2020-02-242020-02-242015Тимчук, Л. І. Методика створення біографічних цифрових наративів в контексті педагогічної освіти [Текст] / Л. І. Тимчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 5 (49). – С. 389–405.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8553У статті йдеться про важливість використання біографічних цифрових наративів у вітчизняному освітньому просторі на основі біографічних досліджень життєвого шляху людей, які внесли безцінний науковий доробок у скарбницю цивілізаційного розвитку людства. Представлено методику створення біографічних цифрових наративів, детально описано її структурні компоненти. Звертається увага на те, що застосування біографічних цифрових наративів повинно стати складовою частиною професійної підготовки педагогів, сприяти впровадженню в освітні практики нових методологічних підходів у ретрансляції знань. Доцільним є збагачення мультимедійного контенту Інтернет-простору інформацією про життєвий досвід інших видатних представників світової спільноти, що має сприяти поширенню гуманістичних ідей і відігравати важливу роль у навчанні підростаючих поколінь.The article deals with the methodic of digital biographical narratives creation; its structural components are presented, algorithm for creating digital biographical narratives is described in detail and the possibility of their usage in the training of future teachers is highlighted. It is noted that modern digital technologies have inexhaustible potential for improving the national education system, particularly when they are used by a teacher in the process of creation of active and educational fields of positive potential. Narrativedigital approach to the training of future teachers is characterized, the feature of which is fostering skills of critical perception of information in the media space, enriching creative activity, and forming skills of creation of figurative world through information and communication technologies. Biographical narrative is a narrative about life of a person; this narrative reflects sensory and emotional experience, evaluation of a person who created the narrative. Digital biographical narrative provides a representation of the narrative about a person’s life using information and communication technologies; it gives more opportunities to represent author’s reflection of the material using music, photos, images, colors, movies. For teachers it is important to obtain the methodic of creating digital biographical narratives, as their use in the educational process creates favorable conditions for the development of each student, because every human life is a treasury of experience, in which you can find answers to various questions. Successful application of the methods of creating biographical digital narratives involves mastering the methodology of scientific biographical research aimed at obtaining biographical data to study individual way of life and a person’s experience in different life contexts and vectors of development and the links between individual-psychological and social factors of influence on different stages of ontogeny of a personality. The sources of biographical data are personal documents (diaries, memoirs, notes, letters, photographs, videos, autobiography, autobiographical narrative, description, confession, autobiographical questionnaires) and fictions, memoirs, testimonies of relatives, friends, acquaintances, students, fellow-fighters, materials of interview, interviews, videos, newspaper reports, protocols, written requests, results of questionnaires and others. It is necessary to note that in the biographical studies different interpretative models are used. They are oriented not only on the output of general explanations and patterns, but on understanding the subjective meaning of events from the perspective of a researcher. The probability of interpretation depends on the comparison of information from different sources and critical assessment of own messages. Results of biographical research are the basis for creating digital biographical narratives that become one of the important interactive forms of modern communication. Digital narratives include: digital texts, presentations, stories posted on blogs, video blogs, photo collages, videos, animated films, descriptions of events in social networks and others. The methods of creating digital biographical narratives about the life path of the prominent personalities involve a combination of biographical research methods (conceptualization of a creative idea about a choice of personalities – the subject of study; conducting biographical research; determination of conditions that positively and negatively influenced the development of an individual) with technologies of creation and presentation of digital narratives (design of a component structure of narrative-reflexive nature, problematic of a text, implementation of educational and creative digital project).The methodology structure of creating biographical narratives follows the model of creation digital narratives by future teachers, and involves five interrelated components (concepts): axiological-motivational, content, technology-based, praxeological-creative, and result-reflective. Theoretical analysis of the biographical studies application presented in different information sources, and conducted experimental study give a reason to believe that it is quite essential for a teacher to be able to select and create digital biographical narratives that are important to the motivation of educational activity, change in behavior, ability to rethink history and experience of others, development of creative abilities in the process of creating own histories, forming own point of view on different moments of life. The results of pedagogical research on the effectiveness of the methods of creating digital biographical narratives in the training of future teachers need further exploration.ukбіографічне дослідженнябіографічний наративбіографічний цифровий наративметодикатворчістьнаративно-цифровий підхідосвітній процескомпетентностімайбутні вчителіmethodiccreationdigital biographical narrativepedagogical educationbiographical researchinformation and communication technologiescreative activitydigital narrative approachМетодика створення біографічних цифрових наративів в контексті педагогічної освітиMethodic of Digital Biographical Narratives Creation in Pedagogical EducationArticle