Циплюк А. М.Tsypliuk A. M.2017-09-202017-09-202014Циплюк, А. М. Генеза вихідних понять здоров’язбережувального навчання дітей дошкільного віку [Текст] / А. М. Циплюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 417–425.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2343Осмислено витоки здоров’язбережувального навчання дітей дошкільного віку. З’ясовано зміст поняття «здоров’язбережувальне навчання», розкрито його педагогічний аспект. Акцентовано увагу на: комплексному міждисциплінарному підході до розвитку здоров’язбережувальної функції дошкільного навчального закладу; комплексному розумінні освіти (як надання інформації, як навчання методів, прийомів і навичок здоров’язбереження і як виховання та усвідомлення пріоритету цінностей здоров’я); суб’єкт – суб’єктній взаємодії вихователя й вихованця, результатом якої є зміцнення та збереження здоров’я.Modern social confusions, economical crisis in the state in recent years negatively affected the health of Ukrainian nation in general, and most disturbance causes the state of physical, social and emotional prosperity of children and young people. Therefore it is very important to form active attitude towards personal health from early age. Different sciences pay attention to the question of health: medicine, hygiene, health protection, sociology, physical culture etc. Science testifies that a health of man is the difficult phenomenon, that can be examined as a philosophical, social, biological and medical category. Modern psychological and pedagogical researches certify the intensive searches of theorists and practical workers in the area of updating of maintenance of preschool education, creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions of optimal development of children in preschool educational establishment and family, development of new methodologies, educationally-educator technologies. The problem of children’s health of preschool age is extraordinarily ponderable and actual. The basis of our direction of study is an idea that caring about personal and public health is not possible without knowledge of that: why it is necessary and how to do it. Initial position for us is the complex understanding of education: as a grant of information, as studies of methods, receptions and skills of health preservation, as education and realization of priority of values of individual and public health. We accented attention on the pedagogical aspect of study of health problem. Pedagogical direction envisages, foremost, creation of positive environment of kindergarten; didactics-methodological providing, correct administrative activity of educational workers, providing by teachers parent’s elucidative-educational culture, pedagogical co-operating with the workers of preschool educational establishment; introduction of effective pedagogical technologies, pedagogical-scientific ground of forms and methods of optimization of the process of health preserving competence forming, professional preparation and retraining of workers of preschool education. It is confessed by the science, that an aim of educational activity is the development of a man that masters knowledge. It is necessary to understand in the aspect of our research, that health preserving education is a process of mastering knowledge about health, abilities to follow healthy lifestyle, forming of motivation of these knowledge and abilities, capture by methods the actions, sent to maintenance of health, development of the valued relations; it is alteration of pedagogical process of preschool educational establishment thus, that every teacher assisted to not only intellectual development of children but also maintenance of their physical and psychical health. We made sure in activation of scientific search, creative finds of pedagogical workers of preschool establishments. Doctors, psychologists, teachers are interested in a problem. An aspect is however certain by us – health preserving educarion, to our opinion, need more detailed study in preschool educational establishment.ukздоров’яздоров’язбереженняздоров’язбережувальне навчаннядошкільний навчальний закладдіти дошкільного вікупедагогічний процеснавчаннянавчальна діяльністьhealthhealth preservationhealth preserving educationpreschool educational establishmentpreschool childrenpedagogical processeducationeducational activityГенеза вихідних понять здоров’язбережувального навчання дітей дошкільного вікуGenesis of Initial Concepts of Health Preserving Education of Preschool ChildrenArticle