Бірюкова Лариса АнатоліївнаBiriukova Larysa Anatoliivna2018-02-142018-02-142016Бірюкова, Л. А. Реалізація педагогічних умов і принципів формування вокально-сценічної майстерності студентів на музично-педагогічних факультетах [Текст] / Л. А. Бірюкова // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2016. – Вип. 2 (8). – С. 148–161.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3977У статті обґрунтовано педагогічні умови, що сприятимуть формуванню вокально-сценічної майстерності студентів на музично педагогічних факультетах; подано взаємопов’язані принципи реалізації знань та практичного досвіду вокальної підготовки вчителя музичного мистецтва в системі музично-педагогічної освіти.Attitude toward singing activities depends on the availability of motivational orientation of students, the desire to understand deeper the wonderful world of vocal music. Therefore, the motivational orientation to vocal learning is the main condition for professional training of the future music teachers. Understanding vocal art in a broad sense as the formation of the spiritual needs of a person, his moral perceptions, intelligence, and in narrow sense as the development of the ability to perceive music in various forms of musical activity, you can highlight such specific features of vocal art as: a) vocal speech; b) interpretation of the vocal works on the basis of individual sensations of the contractor; c) the qualitative determination of vocal music forms in all its manifestations. In this sense, singing contributes to the musical development of the student, formation of his singing culture. The implementation of such pedagogical conditions as the use of individualized learning by developing their own style of vocal and stage skills in the system of higher training is an important area of humanization of pedagogical technologies that allows identifying professional capabilities of the students. In this regard, modernization process of individual learning for the development of his own style of vocal and stage technique involves the following steps, namely: a) providing conditions for the use of experience singing activities in the educational process; b) improving the individual training of students on the basis of creative interaction. The principle of developing training will significantly improve the success of learning process, individual sessions, help reveal their own style of vocal mastery in the following sequence: a) build on the knowledge and vocal and stage experience between the student and the teacher; b) remember that vocal and stage mastery begins with a proficiency in vocal-technical, vocal-performing and vocal-artistic images; c) to expand repertoire, to promote practical skills of reading a vocal piece. Pedagogical condition directed at independent vocal and stage activity is marked by structural transformations of the entire education system. This focus of learning activities intensifies the learning process significantly, contributes to increasing the level of professional competence. The principle of unity of the cognitive-searching, appraisal, and singing creative activity of music teachers should be considered in the context of the future profession. Defining vocal direction as the leading one in the pedagogical activities of a music teacher, which includes singing work in the classroom, extra-curricular work with a choir, students-soloists, the inherent nature of cognitive, evaluative and vocal activities of the music teacher creates the foundation for achieving inner integrity of the educational action. The principle of reliance on the practical experience of singing activities in the unity with a focus on the future singing activity involves the construction of the academic process in the system of musical-pedagogical education, which would be built on the gained experience of independent concert activity. The principle of profile formation of the vocal-performing skills of the music teacher creates the basis for the future professional activities. The definition of this principle should be based on the theoretical justification of the profile of formation of the vocal-performing skills as a process that occurs within a particular musical specialty and involves achieving a high level of competence of students in the field of vocal performance.ukпедагогічні умовивокально-сценічна майстерністьпедагогічні принципиучитель музикиpedagogical conditionsvocal and stage skillspedagogical principlesmusic teacherРеалізація педагогічних умов і принципів формування вокально-сценічної майстерності студентів на музично-педагогічних факультетахRealization of Pedagogical Conditions and Principles of Vocal and Stage Skills Formation of Students at Musical-Pedagogical DepartmentsArticle