Грінченко Алла МиколаївнаHrinchenko Alla Mykolaivna2018-02-092018-02-092017Грінченко, А. М. Критерії та показники оцінювання музично-виконавського самоконтролю в майбутніх учителів музики [Текст] / А. М. Грінченко // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2017. – Вип. 1 (9). – С. 115–122.https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3939У статті уточнена сутність поняття музично-виконавського самоконтролю. Подається системна компонентна модель процесу формування музично-виконавського самоконтролю. Відповідно до компонентної структури обґрунтовано критеріальний апарат, який здійснює оцінювання сформованості самоконтролю майбутніх учителів музики за допомогою таких критеріїв: когнітивно-перцептивного, художньо-інтенціонального, техніко-мобілізаційного. Продемонстровано, що показники означених критеріїв відповідають елементам компонентних блоків.The article clarifies the essence of the concept of musical-performing self-control. The system component model of the process of formation of musical-performing self-control is presented. In accordance with the component structure a criterial apparatus is developed that evaluates the formation of self-control of the future music teachers. Musical-performing self-control is the professional quality of a music teacher, which is characterized by a reflexive attitude, an adequate self-esteem, adjusting our capabilities to our own performance. Musical-performing self-control is a process that is carried out in a certain structural system which consists of three components and block elements. The first component is general-special, psychological-personal with two components: a block of mental qualities that provide the process of self-control; professional abilities that determine the quality of self-control. The second component is artistic and semantic, figurative, which consists of the artistic and semantic and motivational-intentional blocks. The third component is the performing-correctional and a complex of performance and technical support and creative self-adjustment of the performance process. Based on the model structure, the following criteria and indicators are justified: cognitive-perceptual criterion with indicators: presence and development in the person of psychological preconditions for self-control: concentration of attention, observation, volitional ability, reflection and cognitive activity; development of musical hearing, auditory perception and self-perception; the ability to use it in the process of musical performance and self-evaluation; artistic-intentional criterion with indicators: the degree of formation of the context fund of sound standards as attributes of understanding the meaning of artistic information; the measure of the identification of associative and artistic representations, and the arrangement of the executor for their observance during the interpretation that regulates self-control of the own performance of the work; technical-mobilization criterion with indicators: the measure of technical ability and mobile response to the quality of his own performance, his self-evaluation; the degree of formation of abilities to switch attention, alternating control and uncontrolled performance in accordance with the creative embodiment of the performance tasks existing in the auditory and artistic representations of the performer.ukмузично-виконавський самоконтролькомпонентна структуракритеріальний апараткритерії оцінюваннямайбутні вчителя музикиmusical-performing self-controlcomponent structurecriterial apparatusevaluation criteriafuture music teacherКритерії та показники оцінювання музично-виконавського самоконтролю в майбутніх учителів музикиCriteria and Indicators of Evaluation of Musical-Performing Self-Control in the Future Music TeachersArticle