Педагогічний потенціал українських народних паремій
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Статтю присвячено освітньо-виховним можливостям українських народних паремій. На основі аналізу наукових джерел узагальнено сутність дефініцій «паремія», «пареміографія», «пареміологія», розглянуто жанрову специфіку прислів’їв та приказок, розкрито особливості реалізації українських народних паремій в освітньому процесі сучасної початкової школи. Автори наголошують на тому, що паремії є не тільки інструментом активізації розумової діяльності учнів молодшого шкільного віку, розвитку їх комунікативних навичок та оптимізації навчального процесу, а й дієвим засобом національного виховання підростаючого покоління. Як скарбниця духовності українського народу вони поглиблюють українознавчий світогляд, прищеплюють кращі якості характеру, сприяють патріотичному, моральному, естетичному, трудовому, екологічному виховання.
The article is devoted to educational opportunities of short genres of Ukrainian folklore. The purpose of the article is to unveil the pedagogical potential of Ukrainian folk paremias and to substantiate the possibilities of their use in the educational process of the modern elementary school. To achieve this goal, we used such research methods as analysis of scientific literature of domestic and foreign authors to clarify the content of basic concepts of the study; methods of observation, systematization and generalization of material regarding characterization of the pedagogical potential of Ukrainian folk paremias; substantiation of methodological aspects of use in the modern elementary school educational process. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the article summarizes the essence of the definitions “paremia”, “paremiography”, “paremiology”; examines the genre specificity of proverbs and sayings; reveals peculiarities of realization of Ukrainian folk paremias in the educational process of modern elementary school. The authors emphasize that paremias are not only a tool for enhancing mental activity of young school children, developing their communication skills and optimizing the educational process, but also an effective tool for national upbringing of the younger generation. As a treasure trove of spirituality of the Ukrainian people, they deepen Ukrainian worldview, instill the best qualities of character, contribute to patriotic, moral, aesthetic, labor, environmental education. It is not just a form of artistic thinking, but a powerful means of influencing human consciousness, stimulating personal opportunities, forming moral ideals, value orientations, and national identity. Due to their genre specificity, short genres of folklore are also able to significantly enhance the didactic process of the elementary level of education, promote development of imaginative thinking, logic, imagination, communicative abilities and so on. The practical significance of the study is that its results can be applied in the practical activities of secondary school teachers, as well as in the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids and methodological recommendations for students of pedagogical universities, as well as for students of modern secondary schools.
The article is devoted to educational opportunities of short genres of Ukrainian folklore. The purpose of the article is to unveil the pedagogical potential of Ukrainian folk paremias and to substantiate the possibilities of their use in the educational process of the modern elementary school. To achieve this goal, we used such research methods as analysis of scientific literature of domestic and foreign authors to clarify the content of basic concepts of the study; methods of observation, systematization and generalization of material regarding characterization of the pedagogical potential of Ukrainian folk paremias; substantiation of methodological aspects of use in the modern elementary school educational process. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the article summarizes the essence of the definitions “paremia”, “paremiography”, “paremiology”; examines the genre specificity of proverbs and sayings; reveals peculiarities of realization of Ukrainian folk paremias in the educational process of modern elementary school. The authors emphasize that paremias are not only a tool for enhancing mental activity of young school children, developing their communication skills and optimizing the educational process, but also an effective tool for national upbringing of the younger generation. As a treasure trove of spirituality of the Ukrainian people, they deepen Ukrainian worldview, instill the best qualities of character, contribute to patriotic, moral, aesthetic, labor, environmental education. It is not just a form of artistic thinking, but a powerful means of influencing human consciousness, stimulating personal opportunities, forming moral ideals, value orientations, and national identity. Due to their genre specificity, short genres of folklore are also able to significantly enhance the didactic process of the elementary level of education, promote development of imaginative thinking, logic, imagination, communicative abilities and so on. The practical significance of the study is that its results can be applied in the practical activities of secondary school teachers, as well as in the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids and methodological recommendations for students of pedagogical universities, as well as for students of modern secondary schools.
Ключові слова
освітній процес, молодші школярі, паремія, пареміографія, пареміологія, педагогічний потенціал прислів’їв та приказок, educational process, junior schoolchildren, paremia, paremiography, paremiology, pedagogical potential of proverbs and sayings
Бібліографічний опис
Мафтин, Л. Педагогічний потенціал українських народних паремій [Текст] / Л. Мафтин, А. Предик, К. Шевчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 10 (94). – С. 160–176. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.10/160-176.