Модель формування інформатичної компетентності майбутніх учителів інформатики в процесі фахової підготовки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті теоретично обґрунтовано та розроблено модель формування інформатичної компетентності майбутніх учителів інформатики в процесі фахової підготовки, яка включає реалізацію послідовно структурованих компонентів (цільовий, нормативний, теоретико-методологічний, технологічний, методичний, організаційно-функціональний та оцінно-результативний блоки), змістове наповнення яких уточнює інформаційний образ процесу, що моделюється. Запропонована модель покликана забезпечити безперервність освітнього процесу в педагогічних закладах вищої освіти з підготовки висококваліфікованих учителів інформатики. Доведено, що хоч би якого рівня досяг студент, результатом реалізації даної структурно-функціональної моделі є сформованість його інформатичної компетентності.
The article theoretically substantiates and develops a model for the formation of ICT competence of future computer science teachers in the process of training, which includes implementation of sequentially structured components (target, normative, theoretical-methodological, technological, methodological, organizational-functional, and evaluative effective blocks), the content of which clarifies the information image of the process that is being modelled. The proposed model is designed to ensure the continuity of the educational process in pedagogical institutions of higher education in the preparation of highly qualified teachers of computer science. It is proved that no matter what level a student reaches, the result of the implementation of this structural-functional model is formation of his ICT competence. Due to the fact that ICT competence formation in the future teacher of computer science is carried out in the process of systematic and purposeful learning, where organizational conditions must be created, the organizational-functional block of the model includes the main stages of ICT competence formation (stage of formation of key competence (understanding the importance of informatization of education; use of universal software tools for technology implementation; creation of text and graphic documents, simple information systems) and the importance of pedagogical information, the use of computers as a pedagogical technical tool, understanding the nature of pedagogical activities in the information society, information retrieval through electronic resources), the stage of formation of basic competence (knowledge of new pedagogical technologies, their features in the application of ICT; ways to construct goals, content, methods and forms of pedagogical process in the context of informatization of education, the use of ICT in teaching, formation of ideas about the workplace of computer science teachers, creation and use of audio-visual educational information); stage of formation of special competence (presentation of pedagogical information by means of ICT; ability to plan and solve professional tasks by means of ICT; organizing, systematizing and structuring pedagogical data using ICT tools; analysis of information models of pedagogical systems and interpretation of the obtained results; anticipation of the consequences of the use of ICT tools in the activities of computer science teachers; readiness to master and apply new ICT tools)) and functions (educational (forms in students a system of knowledge about computer technologies and their role in the educational process), developmental (produces in the future specialist the desire for self-improvement, the desire to be a high level specialist); (develops students’ ability to solve new non-standard educational problems using computer technology, as well as the ability to adapt to the conditions of the professional environment, which are constantly changing)), which contribute to the achievement of this goal.
The article theoretically substantiates and develops a model for the formation of ICT competence of future computer science teachers in the process of training, which includes implementation of sequentially structured components (target, normative, theoretical-methodological, technological, methodological, organizational-functional, and evaluative effective blocks), the content of which clarifies the information image of the process that is being modelled. The proposed model is designed to ensure the continuity of the educational process in pedagogical institutions of higher education in the preparation of highly qualified teachers of computer science. It is proved that no matter what level a student reaches, the result of the implementation of this structural-functional model is formation of his ICT competence. Due to the fact that ICT competence formation in the future teacher of computer science is carried out in the process of systematic and purposeful learning, where organizational conditions must be created, the organizational-functional block of the model includes the main stages of ICT competence formation (stage of formation of key competence (understanding the importance of informatization of education; use of universal software tools for technology implementation; creation of text and graphic documents, simple information systems) and the importance of pedagogical information, the use of computers as a pedagogical technical tool, understanding the nature of pedagogical activities in the information society, information retrieval through electronic resources), the stage of formation of basic competence (knowledge of new pedagogical technologies, their features in the application of ICT; ways to construct goals, content, methods and forms of pedagogical process in the context of informatization of education, the use of ICT in teaching, formation of ideas about the workplace of computer science teachers, creation and use of audio-visual educational information); stage of formation of special competence (presentation of pedagogical information by means of ICT; ability to plan and solve professional tasks by means of ICT; organizing, systematizing and structuring pedagogical data using ICT tools; analysis of information models of pedagogical systems and interpretation of the obtained results; anticipation of the consequences of the use of ICT tools in the activities of computer science teachers; readiness to master and apply new ICT tools)) and functions (educational (forms in students a system of knowledge about computer technologies and their role in the educational process), developmental (produces in the future specialist the desire for self-improvement, the desire to be a high level specialist); (develops students’ ability to solve new non-standard educational problems using computer technology, as well as the ability to adapt to the conditions of the professional environment, which are constantly changing)), which contribute to the achievement of this goal.
Ключові слова
модель, інформатична компетентність, формування інформатичної компетентності, модель формування інформатичної компетентності, майбутній учитель інформатики, фахова підготовка, model, ICT competence, formation of ICT competence, model of formation of ICT competence, future teacher of computer science, professional training
Бібліографічний опис
Петренко, С. Модель формування інформатичної компетентності майбутніх учителів інформатики в процесі фахової підготовки [Текст] / С. Петренко, Л. Петренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 2 (96). – С. 154–164. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.02/154-164.