Інтеграція проєкту IREX «Вивчай та розрізняй: інфо-медійна грамотність» І курсу «Сучасна риторика»
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті окреслюється можливість інтеграційного підходу до впровадження проєкту IREX «Вивчай та розрізняй: інфо-медійна грамотність» у курс «Сучасна риторика»; доводиться, що таке поєднання дозволить покращити якість підготовки й формування компетентностей майбутніх педагогів, а саме: полемічну культуру (вміння вести дискусія та полеміку) і медіакультуру (критичне мислення, інфо-медійну й візуальну грамотність, соціальну толерантність, стійкість до впливів тощо); розроблено тему «Ораторське мистецтво ведення дискусії і полеміки» із застосуванням новітніх методик та креативних технологій в освіті, подано оригінальні завдання для самостійної роботи.
The article outlines the possibility of an integration approach to implementation of the IREX project “Study and distinguish: info-media literacy” in the course “Modern rhetoric”, it is proved that this combination will improve the quality of training and formation of competencies of future teachers, namely: polemic culture (ability to conduct a discussion and polemic) and media culture (critical thinking, info-media and visual literacy, social tolerance, resistance to impacts, etc.). The topicality of the problem of forming media culture of the future teacher is caused by the need to develop skills of critical perception of information and awareness of the value of high quality information in the context of realization of these competences in school education. Formation of info-media literacy of a modern teacher is of particular importance at the stage of introduction by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the discipline “media literacy” in the school course. The purpose of the article is to integrate some aspects of the IREX project “Learn and distinguish: info-media literacy” into the course “Modern rhetoric” (master’s degree, specialty “Ukrainian language and literature”). The research methods are determined by the set of tasks. We used general scientific theoretical methods (content analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological literature on certain issues), empirical methods (direct and indirect pedagogical observation, analysis of work experience, etc.). The system-component and system-structural approaches to the analysis and description of the material are applied. It is mandatory for a modern business person, especially for a high school teacher and a school teacher, to be able to competently discuss problems, prove and convince, defend their point of view and refute the opinion of the interlocutor, that is, to possess a polemical skill, the art of argument. We also try to form these competencies when studying the outlined topic. The topic “Oratorical art of discussion and polemics” has been developed using the latest techniques and creative technologies in education, and original tasks for independent work are presented. We see a perspective in the description of the integration opportunities of the project with other topics of the course “Modern rhetoric”.
The article outlines the possibility of an integration approach to implementation of the IREX project “Study and distinguish: info-media literacy” in the course “Modern rhetoric”, it is proved that this combination will improve the quality of training and formation of competencies of future teachers, namely: polemic culture (ability to conduct a discussion and polemic) and media culture (critical thinking, info-media and visual literacy, social tolerance, resistance to impacts, etc.). The topicality of the problem of forming media culture of the future teacher is caused by the need to develop skills of critical perception of information and awareness of the value of high quality information in the context of realization of these competences in school education. Formation of info-media literacy of a modern teacher is of particular importance at the stage of introduction by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the discipline “media literacy” in the school course. The purpose of the article is to integrate some aspects of the IREX project “Learn and distinguish: info-media literacy” into the course “Modern rhetoric” (master’s degree, specialty “Ukrainian language and literature”). The research methods are determined by the set of tasks. We used general scientific theoretical methods (content analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological literature on certain issues), empirical methods (direct and indirect pedagogical observation, analysis of work experience, etc.). The system-component and system-structural approaches to the analysis and description of the material are applied. It is mandatory for a modern business person, especially for a high school teacher and a school teacher, to be able to competently discuss problems, prove and convince, defend their point of view and refute the opinion of the interlocutor, that is, to possess a polemical skill, the art of argument. We also try to form these competencies when studying the outlined topic. The topic “Oratorical art of discussion and polemics” has been developed using the latest techniques and creative technologies in education, and original tasks for independent work are presented. We see a perspective in the description of the integration opportunities of the project with other topics of the course “Modern rhetoric”.
Ключові слова
візуальна грамотність, дискусія, еристика, інфо-медійна грамотність, критичне мислення, медіакультура, медіаграмотність, полеміка, полемічна культура, спір, соціальна толерантність, visual literacy, discussion, eristics, info-media literacy, critical thinking, media culture, media literacy, polemic, polemic culture, dispute, social tolerance
Бібліографічний опис
Герман, В. В. Інтеграція проєкту IREX «Вивчай та розрізняй: інфо-медійна грамотність» І курсу «Сучасна риторика» [Текст] / В. В. Герман // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 2 (96). – С. 12–23. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.02/012-023.