Індивідуальність як унікальна самобутність учителя
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття розкриває сутність найважливіших і взаємопов’язаних компонентів, які визначають індивідуальність учителя. Особистісний компонент як система особистісно та професійно значущих стосунків і властивостей особистості учителя є родовими характеристиками людини, які розкривають її ставлення до світу і світу до неї. Ці характеристики постійно ним удосконалюються. Учені стверджують, що особистість учителя визначається соціальною значущістю, здобутою ним своєю працею, професійними здібностями, особистими якостями, результатами діяльності, вона зорієнтована на духовність – добро, справедливість, свободу, любов, віру, надію, гідність, які є принципами його професійної діяльності й усього життя. Суб’єктний компонент визначає рівень самодетермінації та спосіб самореалізації вчителя у професійно значущому середовищі. Суб’єктність учителя є соціальною реальністю, способом його існування, життєтворчості, яка несе в собі відповідальність за долю учнів, колег, країни, власну долю та базується на реальній основі його внутрішніх сил. Індивідуальність – неповторна своєрідність учителя, сукупність тільки йому властивих особливих якостей, вона проявляється в рисах його темпераменту, характеру, в специфіці інтересів, в особливостях діяльності та творчості. Становлення учителя є складним і тривалим процесом його самовизначення, виокремленості із загального до універсального, перетворення на унікальність і неповторність. Для вчителя це означає, що стати майстром своєї справи може тільки індивідуальність.
The present poses unique challenges in education, but most importantly to form a new man, educated, competent, a patriot, a specialist in the chosen sphere. We completely agree with thee scientist V. Hnatyuk who claims that «to educate a citizen, a patriot, a humanist means to prepare the younger person to participate in solving urgent problems and future state». Modern school should complete this mission, because in spite of age, social and political changes the teacher’s role in forming the personality remains unchangeable. The paper reveals the essence of the most important and interrelated components that define the individuality of a teacher. The individuality component as a system of personally and professionally meaningful relationships and properties of a teacher’s individuality are generic features of an individual, revealing his attitude to the world and world’s treatment of him. These characteristics are being constantly improved by him. The scientists argue that individuality of a teacher is determined by social significance, obtained by him due to his work, professional skills, individual qualities, performance results, he is focused on spirituality – goodness, justice, freedom, love, faith, hope, dignity that constitute the principles of his professional activity and his whole life. The subjective component defines the level of self-determination and the method of self-realization of a teacher in the professionally meaningful environment. The teacher’s subjectivity is a social reality, a way of existence, life creativity that carries responsibility for the students’, the colleagues’ and country's destinies, for its own destiny and is based on the real basis of its internal forces. Individuality is an inimitable identity of a teacher, a set of inherent only to him special qualities, it manifests itself in his temperament features, character, interests specificity, in the peculiarities of activity and creativity. The teacher’s formation is a complex and long process of his self-determination, separation from the general to the universal, conversion into uniqueness and originality. For the teacher it means that only individuality can become a master of his craft. The specifics of the individuality of a teacher lies in the fact that this process is the development of a human person. The most significant characteristics of individuality is the creation of a new teacher based on the desire to feel and express their creative nature, the unique features of his personality, originality of pedagogical style, professionalism and desire to become a modern and well-known teacher.
The present poses unique challenges in education, but most importantly to form a new man, educated, competent, a patriot, a specialist in the chosen sphere. We completely agree with thee scientist V. Hnatyuk who claims that «to educate a citizen, a patriot, a humanist means to prepare the younger person to participate in solving urgent problems and future state». Modern school should complete this mission, because in spite of age, social and political changes the teacher’s role in forming the personality remains unchangeable. The paper reveals the essence of the most important and interrelated components that define the individuality of a teacher. The individuality component as a system of personally and professionally meaningful relationships and properties of a teacher’s individuality are generic features of an individual, revealing his attitude to the world and world’s treatment of him. These characteristics are being constantly improved by him. The scientists argue that individuality of a teacher is determined by social significance, obtained by him due to his work, professional skills, individual qualities, performance results, he is focused on spirituality – goodness, justice, freedom, love, faith, hope, dignity that constitute the principles of his professional activity and his whole life. The subjective component defines the level of self-determination and the method of self-realization of a teacher in the professionally meaningful environment. The teacher’s subjectivity is a social reality, a way of existence, life creativity that carries responsibility for the students’, the colleagues’ and country's destinies, for its own destiny and is based on the real basis of its internal forces. Individuality is an inimitable identity of a teacher, a set of inherent only to him special qualities, it manifests itself in his temperament features, character, interests specificity, in the peculiarities of activity and creativity. The teacher’s formation is a complex and long process of his self-determination, separation from the general to the universal, conversion into uniqueness and originality. For the teacher it means that only individuality can become a master of his craft. The specifics of the individuality of a teacher lies in the fact that this process is the development of a human person. The most significant characteristics of individuality is the creation of a new teacher based on the desire to feel and express their creative nature, the unique features of his personality, originality of pedagogical style, professionalism and desire to become a modern and well-known teacher.
Ключові слова
освіта, наука, виховання, компоненти формування індивідуальності вчителя, особистість, суб’єктність, компетентність, досвід, виклики й завдання, творча особистість, інноваційне мислення, самореалізація, самодетермінація, особистісно зорієнтована педагогіка, мотивація, комунікативні здібності, манера поведінки, учитель-новатор, сучасний професіонал, education, science, training, components of a teacher’s individuality formation, individuality, subjectivity, competence, experience, challenges and objectives, creative personality, innovative thinking, self-realization, self-determination, individuality-oriented education, motivation, communication skills, teacher-innovator, modern teacher
Бібліографічний опис
Пшенична, Л. В. Індивідуальність як унікальна самобутність учителя [Текст] / Л. В. Пшенична // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 148–159.