Діагностика сформованості проектного мислення майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячено здійснення й відображення результатів педагогічної діагностики рівнів сформованості проектного мислення майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. У роботі використовуються відповідні теоретичні та емпіричні методи дослідження, серед яких узагальнення, аналіз, екстраполяція, педагогічне спостереження, бесіда, інтерв'ю, оцінка творчої діяльності. Визначено сутність і компонентну структуру проектного мислення, на якій ґрунтується критеріальний апарат дослідження, викладено критерії й показники сформованості проектного мислення, а також перебіг упровадження діагностичних процедур. Висвітлені результати демонструють доцільність розробки методики формування проектного мислення.
The article is devoted to realization and reflection of the results of pedagogical diagnostics of the levels of formation of future musical art teachers’ project thinking. The paper uses appropriate theoretical and empirical methods of research, including generalization, analysis, extrapolation, pedagogical observation, conversation, interview, assessment of creative activity, peer review, etc. The essence of the project thinking of the future musical art teacher is determined as strategic, creative personal and professional quality of the future specialist, which includes the ability to act according to the plan, quickly navigate in changing circumstances, predict the results of their activity and evaluate them. The component structure of project thinking includes four interrelated components: motivational-volitional, cognitive-strategic, creative-activity, and reflexive-prognostic. Based on the components identified, a criteria test apparatus was developed. The criteria for the formation of project thinking are defined: the degree of conscious motivational focus on project-creative activity (indicators: the need for creative self-development through project technologies, interest in developing an effective project algorithm, the ability to manifest volitional efforts), a measure of the effectiveness of the universal strategic algorithm of projecting (systematicity of knowledge on projecting; ability to put into practice the available knowledge; development of a productive algorithm); degree of originality and creative orientation of the final project product (originality and creative independence of project and technological solutions, ability to solve problems quickly and originally, manifestation of novelty and relevance of ideas), measure of adequacy and objectivity of self-assessment in order to predict the results of project activity (self-assessment of the level of project activity, the ability to predict results, the ability to build optimal expedient strategies for achieving results). The results of the study have shown that in the majority of students’ project thinking manifests itself at the middle and low levels, which testifies to the expediency of developing and introducing into the process of professional training of future teachers of musical art a specially developed methodology.
The article is devoted to realization and reflection of the results of pedagogical diagnostics of the levels of formation of future musical art teachers’ project thinking. The paper uses appropriate theoretical and empirical methods of research, including generalization, analysis, extrapolation, pedagogical observation, conversation, interview, assessment of creative activity, peer review, etc. The essence of the project thinking of the future musical art teacher is determined as strategic, creative personal and professional quality of the future specialist, which includes the ability to act according to the plan, quickly navigate in changing circumstances, predict the results of their activity and evaluate them. The component structure of project thinking includes four interrelated components: motivational-volitional, cognitive-strategic, creative-activity, and reflexive-prognostic. Based on the components identified, a criteria test apparatus was developed. The criteria for the formation of project thinking are defined: the degree of conscious motivational focus on project-creative activity (indicators: the need for creative self-development through project technologies, interest in developing an effective project algorithm, the ability to manifest volitional efforts), a measure of the effectiveness of the universal strategic algorithm of projecting (systematicity of knowledge on projecting; ability to put into practice the available knowledge; development of a productive algorithm); degree of originality and creative orientation of the final project product (originality and creative independence of project and technological solutions, ability to solve problems quickly and originally, manifestation of novelty and relevance of ideas), measure of adequacy and objectivity of self-assessment in order to predict the results of project activity (self-assessment of the level of project activity, the ability to predict results, the ability to build optimal expedient strategies for achieving results). The results of the study have shown that in the majority of students’ project thinking manifests itself at the middle and low levels, which testifies to the expediency of developing and introducing into the process of professional training of future teachers of musical art a specially developed methodology.
Ключові слова
проект, метод проекту, педагогічні інновації, проектні технології, проектне мислення, майбутній учитель музичного мистецтва, критеріальний апарат, показники проектного мислення, project, project method, pedagogical innovations, project technologies, project thinking, future teacher of musical art, criterion apparatus, indicators of project thinking
Бібліографічний опис
Новська, О. Діагностика сформованості проектного мислення майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва [Текст] / О. Новська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 10 (94). – С. 295–304. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.10/295-304.