Фундаменталізація біологічної профільної освіти шляхом удосконалення змісту історико-науковими знаннями
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті обґрунтовуються необхідність фундаменталізації біологічної профільної освіти шляхом збагачення змісту історико-науковими знаннями. Відзначається, що необхідність модернізації системи освіти ставить перед педагогічною наукою завдання вдосконалення не тільки процесуального, але й змістового компоненту навчання. Акцентується увага на тому, що фундаменталізація змісту освіти забезпечує формування ключових і предметних компетентностей, глибоких знань про будову, функції, еволюцію біологічних систем, надає можливість для творчої самореалізації учнів. Розглядаються підходи, компоненти процесу фундаменталізації біологічної профільної освіти в напрямі використання освітнього потенціалу знань із історії розвитку біологічної науки та особливості організації освітнього процесу.
The article substantiates the necessity of fundamentalisation of biological profile education by improving content of historical-scientific knowledge. It is noted that the need to modernize the system of education poses to the pedagogical science the task of improving not only procedural but also content component of learning. The purpose of the article is to substantiate approaches to improving biological profile education by enriching content of historical-scientific knowledge. Taking into account current trends in pedagogical science and school practice, in particular, transition from a knowledge-centered paradigm to a personality-centered one, knowledge, as a reflection of spiritual richness of humanity accumulated in the process of search and historical experience, becomes very important. According to this view, the content of profile education is an integrated system that has value and outlook potential. Attention is drawn to the fact that fundamentalisation of education content provides formation of key and subject competences, deep knowledge of the structure, functions, evolution of biological systems, provides an opportunity for creative self-realization of students. The article considers approaches (methodological, sociocultural, value), components of the process of fundamentalisation of biological profile education in the direction of using the educational potential of knowledge in the history of biological science development (motivational-purpose, logical-content, procedural, personal), and peculiarities of organization of educational process, namely: teaching educational material by methods of historical-scientific cognition, inclusion of historical information in the educational material at different types and stages of the lesson, during extracurricular work of students. Fundamentalisation of content of biological profile education in the direction of using educational potential of knowledge in the history of biological science contributes to: increasing the level of motivation, quality of students’ knowledge, improving cognitive skills to compare and evaluate facts; formation of scientific outlook and natural-scientific style of thinking; independence and critical thinking, finding contradictions and ways of overcoming them; development of the need for historical reflection as well as students’ prognostic skills; stimulating interest in studying biology and its history; formation of humanistic consciousness, moral qualities of students, ability to adapt their knowledge to changes in life situations; development of their erudition and general culture. The prospect of further research lies in the theoretical modernization of biological profile education, in the study of didactic capabilities of historical-scientific component of the content of education in the profile school as a means of self-realization of students in educational activities.
The article substantiates the necessity of fundamentalisation of biological profile education by improving content of historical-scientific knowledge. It is noted that the need to modernize the system of education poses to the pedagogical science the task of improving not only procedural but also content component of learning. The purpose of the article is to substantiate approaches to improving biological profile education by enriching content of historical-scientific knowledge. Taking into account current trends in pedagogical science and school practice, in particular, transition from a knowledge-centered paradigm to a personality-centered one, knowledge, as a reflection of spiritual richness of humanity accumulated in the process of search and historical experience, becomes very important. According to this view, the content of profile education is an integrated system that has value and outlook potential. Attention is drawn to the fact that fundamentalisation of education content provides formation of key and subject competences, deep knowledge of the structure, functions, evolution of biological systems, provides an opportunity for creative self-realization of students. The article considers approaches (methodological, sociocultural, value), components of the process of fundamentalisation of biological profile education in the direction of using the educational potential of knowledge in the history of biological science development (motivational-purpose, logical-content, procedural, personal), and peculiarities of organization of educational process, namely: teaching educational material by methods of historical-scientific cognition, inclusion of historical information in the educational material at different types and stages of the lesson, during extracurricular work of students. Fundamentalisation of content of biological profile education in the direction of using educational potential of knowledge in the history of biological science contributes to: increasing the level of motivation, quality of students’ knowledge, improving cognitive skills to compare and evaluate facts; formation of scientific outlook and natural-scientific style of thinking; independence and critical thinking, finding contradictions and ways of overcoming them; development of the need for historical reflection as well as students’ prognostic skills; stimulating interest in studying biology and its history; formation of humanistic consciousness, moral qualities of students, ability to adapt their knowledge to changes in life situations; development of their erudition and general culture. The prospect of further research lies in the theoretical modernization of biological profile education, in the study of didactic capabilities of historical-scientific component of the content of education in the profile school as a means of self-realization of students in educational activities.
Ключові слова
фундаменталізація, гуманітаризація, зміст освіти, профільне навчання, принцип історизму, історико-наукові знання, природничо-наукова картина світу, світогляд, fundamentalisation, humanitarianization, content of education, profile education, principle of historicism, historical-scientific knowledge, natural-scientific picture of the world, world outlook
Бібліографічний опис
Генкал, С. Фундаменталізація біологічної профільної освіти шляхом удосконалення змісту історико-науковими знаннями [Текст] / С. Генкал // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 8 (92). – С. 198–209. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.08/198-209.