Методика формування музично-слухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі
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У дисертаційній роботі досліджено проблему формування музичнослухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі. З’ясовано стан досліджуваної проблеми в теорії та методиці музичного навчання. Розкрито зміст та структуру музично-слухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі. Розроблено і теоретично обґрунтовано методику формування музично-слухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі. Визначено критерії та показники сформованості музично-слухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі. Експериментально перевірено ефективність методики формування музично-слухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі.
In the thesis the issue of formation of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective is investigated. The state of the studied problem in the theory and methods of musical education is determined. Musical-auditory activity is considered as one of the forms of organization of mental activity of the individual, which provides regulation of auditory activity, analysis and synthesis of auditory objects, and consists in directing the auditory analyzer to the sound of musical tissue (choral composition, fragment, sound, etc.) and concentration of listening activity on it at the moment. The content and structure of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective are revealed. The essence of the concept of “musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective” is specified as an integrated quality, characterized by interconnection of physiological, emotional, volitional, intellectual and motivational components of the personality’s activity. The structure of this phenomenon is represented by the unity of such components: motivational-value, acoustic-physiological, emotional-volitional. The methodology of formation of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective is developed and theoretically substantiated. The methodology is based on cultural, competence, personality oriented, axiological approaches on the basis of which general scientific and specific principles; pedagogical conditions (formation of students’ stable professional motivation to vocal-choral activity; formation of skills of work in the choral collective in conditions of acoustic and psycho-physiological laws of choral singing; taking into account integration of interdisciplinary connections in the process of vocal-choral work of future musical art teachers; creation of a favorable psychological climate during work of the educational choral collective); methods: dialogical, game, search (incentive-orientation stage); vocal-intonation education of choir members, formation of frequency vocabulary, development of zone intonation, neuro-linguistic programming, “choir nucleus”, method of coordinating choir’s voices, method of manual display (developmental-activity stage); sketching of choral works, peer evaluation and review of vocal-choral activity, self-belief, self-programming, achieving an optimal concert status (activity-productive stage) are defined. The criteria and indicators of formation of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective are determined. The effectiveness of the methodology of forming musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective has been experimentally tested and proved.
In the thesis the issue of formation of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective is investigated. The state of the studied problem in the theory and methods of musical education is determined. Musical-auditory activity is considered as one of the forms of organization of mental activity of the individual, which provides regulation of auditory activity, analysis and synthesis of auditory objects, and consists in directing the auditory analyzer to the sound of musical tissue (choral composition, fragment, sound, etc.) and concentration of listening activity on it at the moment. The content and structure of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective are revealed. The essence of the concept of “musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective” is specified as an integrated quality, characterized by interconnection of physiological, emotional, volitional, intellectual and motivational components of the personality’s activity. The structure of this phenomenon is represented by the unity of such components: motivational-value, acoustic-physiological, emotional-volitional. The methodology of formation of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective is developed and theoretically substantiated. The methodology is based on cultural, competence, personality oriented, axiological approaches on the basis of which general scientific and specific principles; pedagogical conditions (formation of students’ stable professional motivation to vocal-choral activity; formation of skills of work in the choral collective in conditions of acoustic and psycho-physiological laws of choral singing; taking into account integration of interdisciplinary connections in the process of vocal-choral work of future musical art teachers; creation of a favorable psychological climate during work of the educational choral collective); methods: dialogical, game, search (incentive-orientation stage); vocal-intonation education of choir members, formation of frequency vocabulary, development of zone intonation, neuro-linguistic programming, “choir nucleus”, method of coordinating choir’s voices, method of manual display (developmental-activity stage); sketching of choral works, peer evaluation and review of vocal-choral activity, self-belief, self-programming, achieving an optimal concert status (activity-productive stage) are defined. The criteria and indicators of formation of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective are determined. The effectiveness of the methodology of forming musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective has been experimentally tested and proved.
Ключові слова
методика формування музично-слухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі, активність, структура музично-слухової активності, музичний слух, активність слуху, співацькі навички, methodology of formation of musical-auditory activity of future musical art teachers in the educational choral collective, activity, structure of musical-auditory activity, ear for music, activity of hearing, singing skills
Бібліографічний опис
Кифенко, А. М. Методика формування музично-слухової активності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в навчальному хоровому колективі [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.02 – теорія та методика музичного навчання / Кифенко Анна Миколаївна ; Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [науковий керівник О. М. Олексюк]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – 20 с.