Сенсомоторний розвиток як предмет уваги логопеда
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
На підставі вивчення наукової літератури, інформаційних джерел та зіставлення різних поглядів щодо проблеми дослідження, проаналізовано та конкретизовано поняття «сенсомотрний розвиток», а також обґрунтовано його роль та місце в логопедичному процесі. Доведено, що сенсомоторний розвиток є важливим етапом у формуванні вмінь та навичок дитини, а його компоненти (сприйняття сенсорної інформації, схема тіла, рівновага, рефлекторна зрілість, орієнтація за сторонами тіла, моторне планування) виступають основою для соціальних і ментальних функцій мозку. Акцентовано, що сенсомоторний розвиток є базовим для формування навичок перцептивно-моторного рівня, на якому й проявляються основні порушення, що входять в зону професійної відповідальності логопеда.
Based on the study of scientific literature, information sources and different views comparison on the research problem, the concept of «sensory motor development» was analyzed and specified, and its role and place in the speech therapy process was substantiated. It was determined that the child’s sensory motor development (according to I. Martynenko) is a process of gradual skills complication and improvement through the coordination development between the child’s sensory, motor and perceptual skills. It has been proven that sensory motor development is an important stage in the child’s abilities and skills formation. A prerequisite for sensory motor development is the normal state of the central nervous system and sensory systems that provide sensation processes. It is shown that sensory motor development involves the sensations integration and the child’s holistic perception of the surrounding reality. The components of sensory motor development are characterized: ability to screen input, body scheme, postural security, reflex maturation, awareness of 2 sides of body, motor planning) are the basis for brain social and mental functions. It was determined that sensory motor development is basic for the skills formation at the perceptual motor development, at which the main disorders that are part of the speech therapist’s professional responsibility are manifested. It is noted that the child’s sensory motor development with a speech disorder requires increased attention from the speech therapist, this involves the use of a number of measures: improving the theoretical awareness of future speech therapists and certified specialists; future speech therapists’ and certified specialists’ ability formation to diagnose and assess sensory motor development; future speech therapists’ and certified specialists’ ability formation to multidisciplinary interaction; future speech therapists’ and certified specialists’ formation of organizationalcorrective and developmental competence; development and introduction of sensory integration elements into the speech therapy process in order to optimize sensory motor development, as well as purposeful sensory motor activity in complex corrective work with children with speech disorders.
Based on the study of scientific literature, information sources and different views comparison on the research problem, the concept of «sensory motor development» was analyzed and specified, and its role and place in the speech therapy process was substantiated. It was determined that the child’s sensory motor development (according to I. Martynenko) is a process of gradual skills complication and improvement through the coordination development between the child’s sensory, motor and perceptual skills. It has been proven that sensory motor development is an important stage in the child’s abilities and skills formation. A prerequisite for sensory motor development is the normal state of the central nervous system and sensory systems that provide sensation processes. It is shown that sensory motor development involves the sensations integration and the child’s holistic perception of the surrounding reality. The components of sensory motor development are characterized: ability to screen input, body scheme, postural security, reflex maturation, awareness of 2 sides of body, motor planning) are the basis for brain social and mental functions. It was determined that sensory motor development is basic for the skills formation at the perceptual motor development, at which the main disorders that are part of the speech therapist’s professional responsibility are manifested. It is noted that the child’s sensory motor development with a speech disorder requires increased attention from the speech therapist, this involves the use of a number of measures: improving the theoretical awareness of future speech therapists and certified specialists; future speech therapists’ and certified specialists’ ability formation to diagnose and assess sensory motor development; future speech therapists’ and certified specialists’ ability formation to multidisciplinary interaction; future speech therapists’ and certified specialists’ formation of organizationalcorrective and developmental competence; development and introduction of sensory integration elements into the speech therapy process in order to optimize sensory motor development, as well as purposeful sensory motor activity in complex corrective work with children with speech disorders.
Ключові слова
сенсомоторний розвиток, теорія сенсорної інтеграції, піраміда навчання, логопедичний процес, порушення мовлення, sensory motor development, sensory integration theory, pyramid of learning, speech therapy process, speech disorder
Бібліографічний опис
Мороз, Л. Сенсомоторний розвиток як предмет уваги логопеда [Текст] / Л. Мороз, Л. Стахова, К. Зелінська-Любченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 2 (126). – С. 62–77. – DOI 10.24139/2312-5993/2023.02/062-077