Готовність студентів‐вокалістів до самостійної інтерпретації музичних творів як психолого‐педагогічний феномен
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У статті розглянуто сутність поняття «готовність» з позицій психолого‐педагогічної науки зі з’ясуванням її ролі в досягненні самостійності інтерпретації музичних творів. Доведено, що готовність студентів‐вокалістів до самостійної інтерпретації музичних творів є феноменом психолого‐педагогічної науки.Означений феномен охарактеризовано як цілісне інтегральне утворенням з комплексу розвинених індивідуальних властивостей майбутніх митців,синергійність впливу яких забезпечує функціонування психічних процесів,спрямованих на мобілізацію власних творчих ресурсів необхідних для самостійної інтерпретації музичних творів. Описано специфіку формування та прояву короткострокової та довгострокової готовності студентів‐вокалістів до самостійної інтерпретації музичних творів.
As a rule, the activities of artistic specialists are public, they take place under theinfluence of internal and external stress factors, which can sometimes negatively affect thesuccess of their course. That is why, even during their student studies at the art faculties ofhigher education institutions, it is necessary to form not only the skills and abilities toadequately perceive the pitch palette of the sound of one's own voice, the feeling of themovements of the muscles of the larynx and the direct work of the vocal cords, vibrations,etc., but also "to lay" the foundations of independent musical thinking. In the absence of aqualitatively formed readiness for independent interpretation of musical works, evensolidly mastered professional skills and reliably automated performing actions can be usedinappropriately and reproduced with the allowance of errors in the conditions of futureprofessional activity. That is why vocal students of art faculties of higher educationalinstitutions face a particularly "sharply" defined problem. Achieving the goal required, first ofall, the creative use of theoretical methods that would make it possible to apply thepsychological and pedagogical toolkit of studying the essence of the concept of "readiness" andresearching its role in achieving independent interpretation of musical works by studentvocalists, namely: comparative analysis of scientific studies of the essence the concept of"readiness"; modeling the starting points of psychological research into the pedagogicalprocess of forming the executive independence of vocal students; study of best practices in theinterpretation of vocal works both during work on them and in the process of their publicperformance etc. The article proves that the readiness of vocal students for independentinterpretation of musical works is a phenomenon of psychological and pedagogical science.This phenomenon should be understood as a whole integral formation from a complex ofdeveloped individual properties of future artists, the synergistic influence of which ensuresthe functioning of mental processes aimed at mobilizing one's own creative resourcesnecessary for independent interpretation of musical works.
As a rule, the activities of artistic specialists are public, they take place under theinfluence of internal and external stress factors, which can sometimes negatively affect thesuccess of their course. That is why, even during their student studies at the art faculties ofhigher education institutions, it is necessary to form not only the skills and abilities toadequately perceive the pitch palette of the sound of one's own voice, the feeling of themovements of the muscles of the larynx and the direct work of the vocal cords, vibrations,etc., but also "to lay" the foundations of independent musical thinking. In the absence of aqualitatively formed readiness for independent interpretation of musical works, evensolidly mastered professional skills and reliably automated performing actions can be usedinappropriately and reproduced with the allowance of errors in the conditions of futureprofessional activity. That is why vocal students of art faculties of higher educationalinstitutions face a particularly "sharply" defined problem. Achieving the goal required, first ofall, the creative use of theoretical methods that would make it possible to apply thepsychological and pedagogical toolkit of studying the essence of the concept of "readiness" andresearching its role in achieving independent interpretation of musical works by studentvocalists, namely: comparative analysis of scientific studies of the essence the concept of"readiness"; modeling the starting points of psychological research into the pedagogicalprocess of forming the executive independence of vocal students; study of best practices in theinterpretation of vocal works both during work on them and in the process of their publicperformance etc. The article proves that the readiness of vocal students for independentinterpretation of musical works is a phenomenon of psychological and pedagogical science.This phenomenon should be understood as a whole integral formation from a complex ofdeveloped individual properties of future artists, the synergistic influence of which ensuresthe functioning of mental processes aimed at mobilizing one's own creative resourcesnecessary for independent interpretation of musical works.
Ключові слова
готовність, студент, вокаліст, музичний твір, інтерпретація, психічні процеси, педагогіка, психологія, readiness, student, vocalist, musical piece, interpretation, mentalprocesses, pedagogy, psychology
Бібліографічний опис
Лі Менцзе Готовність студентів‐вокалістів до самостійної інтерпретації музичних творів як психолого‐педагогічний феномен [Текст] / Лі Менцзе // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 3 (127). – С. 498–507. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2023.03/498‐507