Педагогічні умови формування природознавчої компетентності учнів початкових класів на основі розвитку спостережливості
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СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлено організацію та хід проведення педагогічного експерименту щодо формування природознавчої компетентності учнів початкових класів на основі розвитку спостережливості. Обґрунтовано методи, які було покладено в основу експериментальної роботи: спостереження за діяльністю учнів під час занять; анкетування учнів початкових класів; бесіда з учнями початкових класів; завдання на спостережливість та рівень сформованості природознавчої компетентності; бесіда з учителями початкової школи. Визначено й обґрунтовано педагогічні умови розвитку спостережливості у формуванні природознавчої компетентності учнів початкових класів, а саме: створення емоційно-ціннісної основи спілкування школярів із природою в процесі проведення уроків-ігор та міні- проєктів на свіжому повітрі; використання спостереження в процесі споглядально- ігрової діяльності учнів початкових класів.
The article highlights organization and the process of a pedagogical experiment on the formation of primary school pupils' natural sciences competence based on the observancy development. To achieve the goal of the publication, the following research methods were used: theoretical: analysis and systematization of scientific literature on the research problem, normative documents, which allowed to reveal the state of research on the problem, its relevance; synthesis, comparison, classification, systematization and generalization of theoretical and empirical data, on the basis of which the pedagogical conditions for the development of observancy in the formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils were determined; empirical: pedagogical experiment (molding stage) to prove the feasibility of the introduced forms and methods of natural sciences competence formation in primary school pupils; statistical: methods of mathematical processing of research results to check the effectiveness of forms and methods of forming the scientific competence of primary school pupils. The methods that were the basis of the experimental work were substantiated: observation of pupils' activities during classes; questionnaires for primary school pupils; conversation with primary school pupils; tasks for observation and the level of formation of natural sciences competence; conversation with primary school teachers. The pedagogical conditions for the development of observancy in the formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils are identified and substantiated, namely: creating an emotional and value basis for communication between pupils and nature in the process of lessons-games and mini-projects in the fresh air; the use of observation in the process of contemplative and play activities of primary school pupils. Adherence to the pedagogical conditions for the development of observancy in the formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils was ensured by the introduction into the educational process of lessons-games and mini-projects with a non-traditional structure. The peculiarity of these classes was that pupils' observation was organized and took place in the process of solving educational problems. According to each lesson, a number of tasks were developed and proposed. The effectiveness of defined and justified pedagogical conditions is evidenced by the positive changes in the development of observancy and formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils.
The article highlights organization and the process of a pedagogical experiment on the formation of primary school pupils' natural sciences competence based on the observancy development. To achieve the goal of the publication, the following research methods were used: theoretical: analysis and systematization of scientific literature on the research problem, normative documents, which allowed to reveal the state of research on the problem, its relevance; synthesis, comparison, classification, systematization and generalization of theoretical and empirical data, on the basis of which the pedagogical conditions for the development of observancy in the formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils were determined; empirical: pedagogical experiment (molding stage) to prove the feasibility of the introduced forms and methods of natural sciences competence formation in primary school pupils; statistical: methods of mathematical processing of research results to check the effectiveness of forms and methods of forming the scientific competence of primary school pupils. The methods that were the basis of the experimental work were substantiated: observation of pupils' activities during classes; questionnaires for primary school pupils; conversation with primary school pupils; tasks for observation and the level of formation of natural sciences competence; conversation with primary school teachers. The pedagogical conditions for the development of observancy in the formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils are identified and substantiated, namely: creating an emotional and value basis for communication between pupils and nature in the process of lessons-games and mini-projects in the fresh air; the use of observation in the process of contemplative and play activities of primary school pupils. Adherence to the pedagogical conditions for the development of observancy in the formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils was ensured by the introduction into the educational process of lessons-games and mini-projects with a non-traditional structure. The peculiarity of these classes was that pupils' observation was organized and took place in the process of solving educational problems. According to each lesson, a number of tasks were developed and proposed. The effectiveness of defined and justified pedagogical conditions is evidenced by the positive changes in the development of observancy and formation of natural sciences competence of primary school pupils.
Ключові слова
компетентність, природознавча компетентність, спостережливість, досліди, учні початкових класі, педагогічні умови, констатувальний експеримент, формувальний етап експерименту, competence, natural sciences competence, observation, experiments, primary school pupils, pedagogical conditions, ascertaining experiment, molding stage of experiment
Бібліографічний опис
Колишкіна А. Педагогічні умови формування природознавчої компетентності учнів початкових класів на основі розвитку спостережливості [Текст] / А. Колишкіна, К. Романенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 8 (112). – С. 45–55. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.08/045-055