Технологія факт-карт у процесі підготовки ефективної академічної промови
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Метою статті є характеристика технології утворення факт-карт у процесі підготовки академічної промови. Використані методи моделювання, спостереження та метод сходження від абстрактного до конкретного. У результаті дослідження визначено логічні аспекти академічної промови як її концептуальної структури. Представлено визначення ефективного мислення як процесу руху до виокремлення стратегічних і тактичних складових. У статті описано чотири етапи утворення факт-карти на основі фізіологічних, темпоральних та ментальних факторів. Указано на перспективи дальших розвідок у частині розробки й апробації способів упровадження технології факт-карт у навчальний процес як у аспектах академічної риторики, так і в інших напрямах.
Using the methods of modeling, observation and ascent from the abstract to the concrete, we identified the semantic aspects of fact-map technology in the process of preparing an academic speech. The conceptual role of logical aspects of academic speech is established. Objects of thought used in the process of developing fact maps are appropriate forms of thinking; establishing the nature of causal, connecting and distributive relations is carried out in accordance with the laws of thought and the rules of construction of logical proof or refutation. The definition of effective thinking as a process of movement to identify strategic and tactical components of human activity is presented. The fact-map technology is described by characterizing each of the four stages of its development. The influence of physiological, temporal and mental factors is established, the content, character and role of this influence are described. At the first stage, the problem is actualized and the dominant is activated. To do this, you need to understand the main task and direct thinking to its implementation (mental aspect of the stage) and mobilize non-mental resources of the body for the thinking process (physiological aspect of the stage). In the second stage, the fact-map developer identifies intellectual objects, establishes causal relationships between them, and fills in the fact-map with written and graphic symbols. The third stage is directly aimed at supplementing the map with objects that are not enough to perform the main task. In the brain at this stage there are anatomical changes in the forms of new relationships. This aspect is decisive in the whole process of using the fact map technology, as it is expected to form a solution for optimal action. At the fourth stage, the first tactical action is determined and a disposition is formed regarding further activities. We have proved the effectiveness of fact-card technology in the process of forming an academic speech. Prospects for further research are seen in the definition of ways to implement the fact-map in the scientific and educational process. In particular, fact-card technology can be useful in the development and teaching of disciplines “Rhetoric”, “Academic Rhetoric”, “Public Speaking”, “Academic Writing”. The value of fact-cards is characterized by the universality of this technology: it can be used not only in academic aspects, but also in any field of professional activity, even in various processes of organizing the life of the individual.
Using the methods of modeling, observation and ascent from the abstract to the concrete, we identified the semantic aspects of fact-map technology in the process of preparing an academic speech. The conceptual role of logical aspects of academic speech is established. Objects of thought used in the process of developing fact maps are appropriate forms of thinking; establishing the nature of causal, connecting and distributive relations is carried out in accordance with the laws of thought and the rules of construction of logical proof or refutation. The definition of effective thinking as a process of movement to identify strategic and tactical components of human activity is presented. The fact-map technology is described by characterizing each of the four stages of its development. The influence of physiological, temporal and mental factors is established, the content, character and role of this influence are described. At the first stage, the problem is actualized and the dominant is activated. To do this, you need to understand the main task and direct thinking to its implementation (mental aspect of the stage) and mobilize non-mental resources of the body for the thinking process (physiological aspect of the stage). In the second stage, the fact-map developer identifies intellectual objects, establishes causal relationships between them, and fills in the fact-map with written and graphic symbols. The third stage is directly aimed at supplementing the map with objects that are not enough to perform the main task. In the brain at this stage there are anatomical changes in the forms of new relationships. This aspect is decisive in the whole process of using the fact map technology, as it is expected to form a solution for optimal action. At the fourth stage, the first tactical action is determined and a disposition is formed regarding further activities. We have proved the effectiveness of fact-card technology in the process of forming an academic speech. Prospects for further research are seen in the definition of ways to implement the fact-map in the scientific and educational process. In particular, fact-card technology can be useful in the development and teaching of disciplines “Rhetoric”, “Academic Rhetoric”, “Public Speaking”, “Academic Writing”. The value of fact-cards is characterized by the universality of this technology: it can be used not only in academic aspects, but also in any field of professional activity, even in various processes of organizing the life of the individual.
Ключові слова
академічна промова, ефективне мислення, факт-карта, домінанта, «число Міллера», academic speech, effective thinking, fact-map, dominant, “Miller’s number
Бібліографічний опис
Туляков, О. Технологія факт-карт у процесі підготовки ефективної академічної промови [Текст] / О. Туляков, А. Тулякова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 1 (115). – С. 114–124. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2022.01/114-124.