Підготовка майбутнього вчителя до формування підприємливості учнів як наукова проблема
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Метою статті є розкриття деяких аспектів підготовки майбутнього вчителя до формування підприємливості учнів як наукової проблеми. Для досягнення мети у процесі дослідження було використано такі теоретичні та емпіричні методи: аналіз наукової літератури у площині дослідження; узагальнення й систематизація з метою виявлення стану розробленості означеного питання як наукової проблеми. У площині аналізу актуальних досліджень різноаспектно представлено напрями дослідження заявленої проблеми в науковому дискурсі. Для термінологічної чіткості внесено деякі уточнення щодо трактування ключового поняття «підготовка». Проблема підготовки майбутнього вчителя до формування підприємливості школярів розглядаються як процес оволодіння особистісті життєвими компетенціями, загальнонауковими, професійними знаннями й уміннями для успішного здійснення професійної діяльності, зокрема з формування в учнів підприємливості. Проаналізовано наукові студії, у яких порушуються питання підприємництва, підприємницької діяльності, формування підприємницької компетентності майбутніх учителів, підприємливості як ключової компетентності.
The aim of the article is to reveal some aspects of preparing a future teacher for the formation of student entrepreneurship as a scientific problem. To achieve the goal in the research process the following theoretical and empirical methods were used: analysis of scientific literature in the field of research; generalization and systematization in order to identify the state of development of this issue as a scientific problem. In the field of analysis of current research, the directions of research of the stated problem in the scientific discourse are presented in various aspects. For the sake of terminological clarity, some clarifications have been made on the interpretation of the key concept of “training”. The problem of preparing future teachers for the formation of entrepreneurship of students is seen as a process of mastering personal competencies, general scientific, professional knowledge and skills for successful professional activity, in particular, formation of entrepreneurship in students. The scientific studies in which the issues of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, formation of entrepreneurial competence of future teachers, entrepreneurship as a key competence are raised and analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the importance of entrepreneurship as a social phenomenon, which is explained by its impact on social processes through the restructuring of values and worldviews of the individual, his psychological attitudes; on the needs of society in individuals, modernly educated, moral, enterprising, purposeful, creative, able to make independent and responsible decisions in risk situations, able to predict the possible consequences of their choices, capable of cooperation and mobility, with dynamism, constructiveness and responsibility for their lives, family life, the fate of the country. It is generalized that preparation of the future teacher for the formation of entrepreneurship in students is an urgent problem of scientific discourse. It involves mastering the skills to develop appropriate programs, forms, methods and techniques for organizing this process. The success is due to deep understanding and acceptance by students of the importance of competence of entrepreneurship as a personal quality of a modern man, the principles of which are guidelines for constant search for new opportunities beyond available resources, resulting in the creation and implementation of subjectively new ideas, technologies and social projects, experience of self-development in a certain direction of professional and pedagogical activity. Prospects for further research are associated with development of the pedagogical conditions for the preparation of future teachers for the formation of entrepreneurship of junior students in the educational process of the Pedagogical College.
The aim of the article is to reveal some aspects of preparing a future teacher for the formation of student entrepreneurship as a scientific problem. To achieve the goal in the research process the following theoretical and empirical methods were used: analysis of scientific literature in the field of research; generalization and systematization in order to identify the state of development of this issue as a scientific problem. In the field of analysis of current research, the directions of research of the stated problem in the scientific discourse are presented in various aspects. For the sake of terminological clarity, some clarifications have been made on the interpretation of the key concept of “training”. The problem of preparing future teachers for the formation of entrepreneurship of students is seen as a process of mastering personal competencies, general scientific, professional knowledge and skills for successful professional activity, in particular, formation of entrepreneurship in students. The scientific studies in which the issues of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, formation of entrepreneurial competence of future teachers, entrepreneurship as a key competence are raised and analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the importance of entrepreneurship as a social phenomenon, which is explained by its impact on social processes through the restructuring of values and worldviews of the individual, his psychological attitudes; on the needs of society in individuals, modernly educated, moral, enterprising, purposeful, creative, able to make independent and responsible decisions in risk situations, able to predict the possible consequences of their choices, capable of cooperation and mobility, with dynamism, constructiveness and responsibility for their lives, family life, the fate of the country. It is generalized that preparation of the future teacher for the formation of entrepreneurship in students is an urgent problem of scientific discourse. It involves mastering the skills to develop appropriate programs, forms, methods and techniques for organizing this process. The success is due to deep understanding and acceptance by students of the importance of competence of entrepreneurship as a personal quality of a modern man, the principles of which are guidelines for constant search for new opportunities beyond available resources, resulting in the creation and implementation of subjectively new ideas, technologies and social projects, experience of self-development in a certain direction of professional and pedagogical activity. Prospects for further research are associated with development of the pedagogical conditions for the preparation of future teachers for the formation of entrepreneurship of junior students in the educational process of the Pedagogical College.
Ключові слова
майбутній учитель, підготовка, підприємливість, підприємництво, підприємницька компетентність, формування підприємливості учнів, future teacher, training, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial competence, formation of students’ entrepreneurship
Бібліографічний опис
Макарук, О. Підготовка майбутнього вчителя до формування підприємливості учнів як наукова проблема [Текст] / О. Макарук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 1 (115). – С. 95–102. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2022.01/095-102.