Підготовка майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури в контексті інформатизації як наскрізної тенденції в розвитку вищої освіти
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У публікації йдеться про актуальні проблеми інформатизації освітнього процесу в ЗВО та можливості реалізації наскрізної тенденції в розвитку педагогічної освіти, – інформатизації, у процес підготовки майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури. Авторка доводить, що наразі означений процес відбувається посередньо й потребує радикальних коректив, відповідальності та серйозного контролю за виконанням. Для якісної інформатизації системи педагогічної освіти варто модернізувати технічне оснащення відповідних закладів; розробити та впровадити комбіновані практикоорієнтовані та студентоценровані моделі навчання; забезпечити викладання всіх дисциплін фахівцями з інформаційно-комунікаційною компетентністю, а освітній процес – якісними е-матеріалами, зокрема ЕНК тощо.
This publication considers relevant issues in informatization of the educational process at institutions of higher education and opportunities for implementing informatization as a comprehensive tendency in development of higher education into training of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature. The main task of this research is to describe the process of training future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature with consideration of the tendency for informatization of education. The task has been accomplished with the use of the following methods: theoretical (analyzing, synthesizing and generalizing information to determine the main problems faced by informatization of education, and to understand the opportunities for its implementation into the process of training future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature), empirical (the author’s own observations of the educational process), statistical (quantitative and qualitative analysis of data with the purpose of obtaining accurate results on implementation of informatization in the field of higher pedagogical education). In this work, the author argues that this process is currently characterized by mediocre quality and therefore it needs radical changes, more responsibility and tighter supervision for its participants. To ensure high-quality informatization of the pedagogical education system, the following steps are required: to modernize technological infrastructure for education institutions; to develop and implement combined practice-driven and student-oriented study patterns; to ensure that all subjects are taught by professors possessing good information and communication competence, and that the educational process involves high-quality electronic materials, in particular, electronic courses etc. Electronic courses for all vocational subjects studied by future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature will ensure informatization of the educational process and make it informative, interesting and transparent for the students. The content of an electronic course may differ depending on a specific subject, material, students’ technical capacity, teacher’s creativity and other factors, but the tasks included should be practice-driven and designed to form corresponding competences, especially vocational and informational-communicative competences.
This publication considers relevant issues in informatization of the educational process at institutions of higher education and opportunities for implementing informatization as a comprehensive tendency in development of higher education into training of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature. The main task of this research is to describe the process of training future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature with consideration of the tendency for informatization of education. The task has been accomplished with the use of the following methods: theoretical (analyzing, synthesizing and generalizing information to determine the main problems faced by informatization of education, and to understand the opportunities for its implementation into the process of training future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature), empirical (the author’s own observations of the educational process), statistical (quantitative and qualitative analysis of data with the purpose of obtaining accurate results on implementation of informatization in the field of higher pedagogical education). In this work, the author argues that this process is currently characterized by mediocre quality and therefore it needs radical changes, more responsibility and tighter supervision for its participants. To ensure high-quality informatization of the pedagogical education system, the following steps are required: to modernize technological infrastructure for education institutions; to develop and implement combined practice-driven and student-oriented study patterns; to ensure that all subjects are taught by professors possessing good information and communication competence, and that the educational process involves high-quality electronic materials, in particular, electronic courses etc. Electronic courses for all vocational subjects studied by future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature will ensure informatization of the educational process and make it informative, interesting and transparent for the students. The content of an electronic course may differ depending on a specific subject, material, students’ technical capacity, teacher’s creativity and other factors, but the tasks included should be practice-driven and designed to form corresponding competences, especially vocational and informational-communicative competences.
Ключові слова
е-навчання, інформатизація, інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність, майбутні вчителі української мови і літератури, педагогічна освіта, е-learning, informatization, information and communication competence, future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature, pedagogical education
Бібліографічний опис
Овсієнко, Л. Підготовка майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури в контексті інформатизації як наскрізної тенденції в розвитку вищої освіти [Текст] / Л. Овсієнко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 1 (105). – С. 237–249. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.01/237-249.