Рухова активність та мотивація до занять із фізичного виховання студенток закладів вищої освіти
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Потреба в русі – біологічна потреба організму людини, що відіграє важливу роль у її життєдіяльності та знаходиться в нерозривному зв’язку з активною м’язовою діяльністю, що сприяє адаптації до навколишнього середовища. У даному дослідженні велика увага присвячена мотиваційним пріоритетам щодо занять фізичними вправами протягом робочого дня, як одного з чинників поліпшення показників рухової активності студенток. Визначення оптимального підходу до організації рухової активності, добових енерговитрат та мотиваційних потреб у руховій активності здобувачів вищої освіти, який дозволить підвищити активність і зацікавленість у досягненні високого рівня власного фізичного здоров’я студенток ЗВО.
The need for movement is a biological need of the human body, which plays an important role in its vital activity and is inextricably linked with active muscular activity, which promotes adaptation to the environment. The article is devoted to the study of motivational priorities for physical education as one of the factors of improving the indicators of motor activity of female students. The purpose of the study is to determine daily energy expenditure, level of physical activity and motivational needs in physical activity of female students. To solve the outlined research problems, a set of methods was used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of research, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. Assessment of motor activity was performed according to the method of the Framingham study with determination of the index of physical activity and the use of timing of daily motor activity. Students of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko and Sumy National Agrarian University took part in the experiment. The obtained data helped to determine the amount of time spent by university students at different levels of physical activity, to compare the indices of physical activity of female students of some higher education institutions of Sumy region. According to the study of the level of motor activity of female students, it has been found that the indicators of daily motor activity of female students of Sumy universities are lower than normal. As a result of the analysis of the received data there was determined the decrease in motor activity of basic (16,42 %) and high (36,84 %) levels of students’ physical activity. At the sedentary level, there is an increase in motor activity by 40,71 %. As a result, in female students increases the number of hours they read, prepare for classes, and work independently, which they often do while sitting at a computer or in the library. The motivational priorities of university students to the process of physical education are determined. It has been found that a significant role in optimizing the motor activity of female students plays their motivation to engage in physical education classes and the use of physical culture in everyday life.
The need for movement is a biological need of the human body, which plays an important role in its vital activity and is inextricably linked with active muscular activity, which promotes adaptation to the environment. The article is devoted to the study of motivational priorities for physical education as one of the factors of improving the indicators of motor activity of female students. The purpose of the study is to determine daily energy expenditure, level of physical activity and motivational needs in physical activity of female students. To solve the outlined research problems, a set of methods was used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of research, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. Assessment of motor activity was performed according to the method of the Framingham study with determination of the index of physical activity and the use of timing of daily motor activity. Students of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko and Sumy National Agrarian University took part in the experiment. The obtained data helped to determine the amount of time spent by university students at different levels of physical activity, to compare the indices of physical activity of female students of some higher education institutions of Sumy region. According to the study of the level of motor activity of female students, it has been found that the indicators of daily motor activity of female students of Sumy universities are lower than normal. As a result of the analysis of the received data there was determined the decrease in motor activity of basic (16,42 %) and high (36,84 %) levels of students’ physical activity. At the sedentary level, there is an increase in motor activity by 40,71 %. As a result, in female students increases the number of hours they read, prepare for classes, and work independently, which they often do while sitting at a computer or in the library. The motivational priorities of university students to the process of physical education are determined. It has been found that a significant role in optimizing the motor activity of female students plays their motivation to engage in physical education classes and the use of physical culture in everyday life.
Ключові слова
рухова активність, рівні рухової активності, мотивація, фізичне виховання, студентки, motor activity, levels of motor activity, motivation, physical education, female students
Бібліографічний опис
Самохвалова, І. Рухова активність та мотивація до занять із фізичного виховання студенток закладів вищої освіти [Текст] / І. Самохвалова, П. Рибалко, О. Моргунов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 10 (104). – С. 235–244. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.10/235-244.