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Документ Fortresses of Left-Bank Ukraine as a Raw Material Base for Saltpeter Mining in the 18 Century(2024) Osadchyi Yevhen Mykolaiovych; Осадчий Євген МиколайовичThe article is devoted to the study of the history of saltpeter mining on the territory of the Left Bank of Ukraine and the fate of the earth defense structures of the Cossack fortresses in this process. Nitrate production in the territory of the Left Bank of Ukraine was a fairly widespread industry. The development of artillery and firearms in early modern armies was one of the reasons for the increase in saltpeter production. In the 17thcentury, mounds of barrows and ramparts of ancient fortifications were used for its extraction, where saltpeter was naturally concentrated. Butthis method depended on the coincidence of many factors. From the second half of the 17thcentury on the territory of the Hetman Oblast and the Slobozhan Oblast, the on-board method of saltpeter mining is increasingly spreading. The appearance of saltpeter plants, which worked with artificial edges, greatly simplified the process of saltpeter production, but also required finding places for their location. At this time, saltpeter workers paid attention to the abandoned fortresses built in the 17thcentury, which had a convenient location and soil reserves for the construction of artificial banks.During the 18thcentury, the role of fortresses in the defense of Left Bank Ukraine is gradually changing. At the beginning of the century, they were an important component of defense, but over time their influence gradually decreases. Some of them are falling into disrepair, and the rest are turning into rural settlements. The territory of the abandoned fortresses was a convenient location for saltpeter workshops, and the defensive structures served as a raw material base for saltpeter mining. If in the first half of the 18thcentury the hetman’s administration followed the preservation of fortresses, then in the second half of the century this process became widespread even without the restoration of the ramparts. The final destruction of defensive structures by saltpeter’s took place at the end of the century and was connected with the re-planning of cities.Документ Hillforts of the Southern Sivershchyna in Legends and Folk Memory(2024) Osadchyi Yevhen Mykolaiovych; Осадчий Євген МиколайовичThe goal of the study is to analyze the legends and tales associated with the hillforts of the Southern Sivershchyna and to highlight the historical component in the described events. The research methodology is represented by: the principle of historicism, the systemic approach, the methods of logic and grouping, the comparative-historical and problem-chronological principles.Tales and legends were recorded by historians and archaeologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries during explorations and excavations. The legends associated with the hillforts are quite diverse in their plots. The vast majority of them are related to a great treasure guarded by a powerful, often evil, force. Such legends describe conditions, often difficult, that make it impossible for seekers to fulfill them. Another story involves robbers and their loot, which they buried but left behind for some reason. These treasures also have a spell or are hidden at a very considerable depth. According to the local people, it is often a high rampart of a settlement. Legends associated with certain historical figures or events can be distinguished separately. They often intertwine a variety of plots, and historical figures from different times are the heroes of one legend. Sometimes the protagonists are representatives of a particular nation, such as the Tatars or Swedes, without specifying their names or time. The vast majority of legends with a clear and complete plot were recorded in the first quarter of the twentieth century by archaeologists during exploration. Their recording was one of the prerequisites in the developed methodological recommendations of the NAC.Документ Settlement of the Golden Horde Period in the Middle Psel(2023) Osadchyi Yevhen Mykolaiovych ; Осадчий Євген МиколайовичThe article is devoted to the results of archaeological investigations in the territory of the middle course of the Psel in the area of the city of Sumy. As a result of the surveys, a number of settlements with materials from the Golden Horde period of the second half of the 13th - 14th centuries were discovered. They were located around a large lake, which in ancient times was part of the old river Psel and was connected to it by numerous channels. This area was rich in resources - the lake was a convenient place for farming, fishing, hunting and grazing. The ceramic material discovered in the settlements is typical for the second half of the 13th - 14th centuries and has wide analogies among the antiquities of the Dnieper Left Bank. At the same time, there is a small but distinct group of corollas with an arrow-shaped edge, which is not typical for this region. The unusual location of the settlement at a considerable distance from significant settlements was due to the changes that took place in ancient Russian society after 1239/1240. At this time, there was a gradual outflow of the population from the territory of the middle streams of the Psel and Vorskla to the Poseimya, but these territories remained important for farming in the next few centuries.Документ Літописне місто Глинеськ і Глинщина за даними писемних та археологічних джерел(2022) Осадчий Євген Миколайович ; Osadchyi Yevhen MykolaiovychСтаття присвячена одному з літописних населених пунктів Верхнього Посулля – Глинеську. Це місто виникло на початку Х ст., як один з військово-адміністративних центрів племені сіверян, а у давньоруський час перетворилося на повноцінне місто. Перерва у його житті пов’язана з монгольським погромом Чернігово-Сіверщини восени-взимку 1239–1240 рр. На відміну від переважної більшості населених пунктів півдня Сіверщини місто відновилося як один з центрів феодального володіння, відомого під назвою Глинщина. Аналіз етапів розвитку Глинська як фортеці та населеного пункту, його місце в історії Південної Сіверщини є актуальним. Метою роботи є реконструкція ранніх етапів розвитку міста, що дозволить визначити його місце у історії лівобережних українських земель часів Золотої Орди та Великого князівства Литовського. Автором застосовано методику поєднання даних археологічних і писемних джерел та сучасної картографії і створення окремих шарів інформації, що відображаються на відповідних картах. Історія дослідження літописного Глинеська нараховує вже понад 150 років і пов’язана з іменами О. Шафонського, М. Арандаренка, М. Макаренка, Ю. Моргунова й ін. Автором було проаналізовано основні етапи розвитку Глинська як сотенного козацького містечка XVII–XVIII ст. Джерела з історії роду князів Глинських проаналізовано в контексті цілей даного дослідження, що дозволило створити три віртуальні шари інформації: дані історичні, дані археології та сучасний рельєф місцевості. У результаті створено два плани. Один повномасштабний, де відображено структуру самого населеного пункту, другий – меншого масштабу, де нанесені умовні межі феодального утворення Глинщина. Історія населеного пункту Глинеськ завершується після невдалого повстання Михайла Глинського повним запустінням Південної Сіверщини аж до першої половини XVII ст., коли Глинськ було відновлено за ініціативи князів Вишневецьких.